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Stripper Yeosang!

Yeosang would be lying if he didn't say he was ashamed on how his life turned out. He used to be a hard working student one with grades at the top of his class and had a large group of friends.

He used to work in a cage to earn some pocket money and help his mother with bills. He used to have a girlfriend that he adored but a single situation destroyed his perfect image.

He was minding his own business as he walked to school not thinking that day he would be forced into public humiliation.

It was around lunch time when it happened. Someone had managed to find his secret guilty pleasure, stripping. He knew he could have done something but he froze in fear and the colour drained from his face until he was ashen white. The laughs, grunts and disgusted sniggers surrounded him. He had been set up.

He had a job the day this was recorded he remembers it clearly despite being a bit typsy. A boy his age had entered his workplace and sat staring at the stage, his phone was hidden him his breast pocket but tall enough to have the camera sticking out.

The clip that humiliated him was on one of his more kinkier nights, a regular facade at his work place. He had super tight leather booty shorts and wore a t-shirt that was open showing a view of his thin and curvy body.

After the video got out Yeosangs girlfriend broke up with him in disgust and he had to deal with lots of taunting and bullying. All his friends left not wanting 'to be around a whore'. His perfect life turned upside down and he was caving in on himself.

Even though he was ashamed he continued with his work and continued getting paid for it. This is about where he started getting stressed.

The constant torment, bullying and sexualisation ate away at his mental state. His grades dropped and he grew to be introverted. He rarely spoke or answered when he was spoken too and he stayed to himself.

He still attended his lessons and tried his hardest to study but he never got anywhere. He promised his mom nothing was happening outside of his work (which she wasn't too fond off but supported him nonetheless) and when he would return home from school with bruises on his body he'd make up an excuse.

And today was the beginning of a change. He got up from his bed to change quickly for school. He grabbed his uniform and dressed within two minutes. He then grabbed his phone that was on his study desk which was covered in receipts, numbers and homework from school and work before he sighed and walked out the room. He greeted his mom with a kiss to the cheek and a thank you.

His mother handed him an empty bowl with a small cereal box in before placing the milk carton on the table. Yeosang jumped into a seat surrounding the wooden table and opened the small box of cereal emptying it into his bowl and grabbing the milk filling it up to cover half the cereal bits.

He thanked his mother once again and started eating his breakfast with his mother sipping some tea with a smile. Once he was done yeosang kissed his mother's cheek before grabbing his bag and yelling goodbye as he exited the house. He grinned and giggled at his mother's yell before he rushed to the bus stop.

His smile dropped when he realised today was another day of torture. He slowed down and sighed. 'what is the point anymore?' he thought to himself as he walked to the bus stop. He lowered his head and stared at the ground as he walked.

He arrived at the gates of his school and took a deep breath. He stepped into the grounds and walked to class. He tried to ignore the cat calls, insults and glares but his eyes teared up and he bit his lip.

He rushed to class and sat in his seat. His head fell onto his arms as he leant them on his desk and waited for the class to start.

Five minutes later the class was filled and the teacher stepped into the room.
"alright class today we have some new students" he spoke and Yeosang lifted his head.
Three boys entered the room.
"this is San, yunho and Wooyoung please take care of them" the teacher said and everyone greeted the new arrivals.

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