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Take two.

It had been a week of endlessly watching reruns of shows they'd already watched for the girls. They only left Stevie's basement bedroom for breakfast, dinner, lunch, or if Pepper summoned them to complete any chores she'd given them as a form of punishment. One evening, Rocket and Groot had slipped through the window to deliver a (secretly ordered) pizza and watch Battle Star Galactica with them.

But most of their nights, Stevie and Morgan stayed up until the sun rose again, talking about anything and everything that happened to them throughout the years when they'd been too naive to become friends with one another.

After she'd decided that her their punishment was fulfilled, Pepper gave Stevie her tools back and Morgan her phone. And that very same morning, a knock came at the door with the request of Stevie's presence. She didn't exactly expect to see this person ever again.


Ace Lang was stood timidly on the doorstep with his backpack slung over his shoulders like a schoolboy. "So I know that we didn't exactly get off to the best start, but, I kind of went through a ton of effort to steal these," he unzipped his bag to show her the suits that he'd stolen, "and I wouldn't mind putting them to use."

Stevie's pupils grew to twice their size. She hastily stepped out of the house and slammed the door, leading Ace out of Pepper's earshot incase she'd been listening.

"Are you crazy?" She scolded him, "you stole the quantum suits!" 

"I'm not crazy, I'm Ace."

"That wasn't funny."

The silence was loud.

"Well, this is your chance to go and see him. You don't have to meet him, or anything, but wouldn't you like to see him? After all you've done... I just thought it'd be–"


His voice rose about three octaves in a surprised manor, "yes?" 

"Yes, I have the plans for the structure of the machine, we'd just have to get to the–"

"We don't need a machine." He shot her a smile that seemed to say 'I have just what we need.' Then, he reached into his pocket and pulled out some car keys, dangling them in front of her. He pressed the unlock button and a tuneful horn began to play in the distance, "I already have one."

Once they had rounded the corner and reached the rusted, orange van, another person came into view. "This is my older sister. Half sister, actually. Cassie. She's gonna power this thing up for us."

"Hey." Cassie stepped forwards and shook Stevie's hand politely, "I'm an MIT graduate, I studied Quantum and Nuclear Physics, so I know what I'm doing, don't worry."

"That's amazing, I received my acceptance letter this month. You'll have to tell me all about it." After sharing small talk regarding their interests in science and what not, Cassie began to explain what was going to happen.

"We've got a few options regarding Anthony Edward Stark's pinpointed locations. The most recent location on Earth is 41.8279° North, 73.9651° West in Esopus, New York on June 22nd, 2023. It's a 15 year jump, but the location itself isn't far from here."

"Esopus? That's the Avengers Facility." Stevie peered over at Cassie's laptop, "what else?"

"41.8279° North, 73.9651° West in Esopus, New York on October 20th, 2016. Same location, different date. But, should you run into him, the first option would be more sensible. He gained his understanding of time travel in 2023. He'll be more likely to understand the concept of you."

Ace nodded, "2023 it is. And let's make it quick, I don't want the Doctor guy coming back again. He scared me."

"2023." Agreed Stevie. "If I don't meet him... if we run out of time and I don't see him, then that's it. At least I've tried, right? I'm finally doing this."

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