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See you at home.

[ New York, 2012 ]

Bruce Banner, Scott Lang, Tony Stark and Steve Rogers all stood in front of Stevie in a diamond formation as their Quantum Suits faded away, leaving them in their respective disguises. Considering that none of them were wearing baseball hats and sunglasses, she assumed that the mission they were about to undergo was more important than all of their previous ones.

The odds of her ending up in New York with her father were slim, but it had somehow worked. She had enough Pym Particles to get from 2038 to 2023 and back again. The remaining Particles that she had left must have allowed her to travel back to 2012 with them.

So, to put it plainly, she had no way back. She was stuck in 2012 unless she could find a miracle. Which, scientifically, is impossible.

She tugged away from her worrying thoughts and took a few steps towards Steve, who was wearing his original Captain America suit. How would she tell them who she was? Would they hate her. They'd definitely hate her. She'd screwed the pooch big time.

"Alright, we all know our assignments. Two stones uptown, one stone down. Stay low, keep an eye on the clock–" Steve's words slowly broke off when he noticed the extra person stood beside him. Within seconds, his arm had wrapped around her and the sharp edge of his shield was threatening her neck. "Identify yourself."

Her mind whirred. This wasn't how she was supposed to meet her father. She couldn't lie, they'd squeeze it out of her anyway.

"Stevie Stark. 2038." The cold Vibranium stung her as she gulped, "I shouldn't be here. Theoretically, this shouldn't've worked. My suit wasn't programmed to this location. Pepper's going to be furious."

At the mention of Pepper's name, Tony became more alert, inching towards her.

"I'm sorry, did you say Stark?" There was a hesitation in his question... Tony Stark doesn't hesitate. "Cap, loosen your grip. You're choking her." His body language was suddenly very uncharacteristical. His shoulders dropped. His eyes widened.

But Bruce stepped forwards, "Loki." Was all he said, "Tony, she could be Loki. He's messing with your mind. This is exactly what he would want." Steve's arm tightened around her throat again.

"I'm not Loki!" 

Stevie elbowed him in the side and wriggled out of his grasp, turning to face her father. She looked him up and down, taking in every aspect of his face, memorising his outfit from head to toe, soaking in his presence. And then she met his eyes, "you have a picture of you and Peter on the counter in the kitchen. It's... It's still there." She whispered, tears glossing her pupils.

And that was all that needed to be said. Nothing more, nothing less. His arms wrapped around her shoulders and he pulled her into him. He didn't need to know who she was to tell that she was a Stark. That she was his

Her posture. The tiny grooves on the edges of her thumbs where a wrench had dug away at her skin. The bags under her eyes from working tirelessly for nights on end. The slight staining of her teeth from copious morning coffees. It all gave her away.

She couldn't be more Tony Stark.

"What the hell are you doing here, kid?" He pulled away from her but kept his arms on her shoulders, "you need to get out of here. You need to go back home. Why are you here? Why would you come back to 2012?"

The muscles in her throat tightened uncomfortably, "I needed to see you." A sniffle. A choked cry, "I know that you're busy saving the world. But you're always busy and I needed to see you."

"But I'm at home. Go and see me at home."

She let out another strangled sob. She couldn't tell him that he wasn't at home. She couldn't let him know that he was dead. That he wouldn't ever meet her. That he wouldn't ever come home.

"Okay." Sliding down her face was a lonely tear, "I'll go home. But I'm out of Particles. I only had enough for a round trip." She wiped the tear away and sucked in a deep breath.

"Tony, Scott, we're short for time. You have to move out  Now." Warned Steve, "I'll take care of the kid."

She watched as her dad jogged away, "I'll see you at home, kid!" He grinned.

"Okay. Stark, you come with me. You can't stay here, there are converging timelines. We'll get you back to 2023 with us."

Stevie nodded and looked in Cap's direction once more. "This is my dance." She told him, "you'll get yours."

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