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Howard and Parker Potts.

[ New Jersey, 1970 ]

"You do realise that I am a child at a military base, right?" Sassed Stevie, "if that's not suspicious then I don't know what that is."

Tony let out a breathy chuckle, "you stay behind me, alright? We're going to get the Tesseract, Cap'll sort out the Particles."

They began their journey in a large, metal elevator that sunk into the earth slowly. It was quiet aside from the whirring of the mechanics and the heavy breathing of a woman who had entered with them. She eyed Steve with a knowing look before averting her gaze back down to the file that she was clutching.

When the whirring stopped, Tony and Stevie stepped out of the door. "Good luck on your mission, Captain."

"Good luck on your... project, Doctor."

With that, they began to race down the hallways as silently as possible, passing rows and rows of metal boxes, scattered files and empty desks. Dust littered the corners of the room, almost as if it hadn't been in use for years.

An Iron Man glove began to form around Tony's wrist as he sliced through one of the boxes, letting it clatter open. A blue light flooded their eyes. The Tesseract.

"Back in the game." They spoke simultaneously, sending a flutter of happiness through Stevie's chest. She wished it could be like this all the time. 

"Arnim you in there?" They both whirled around at the sound of a voice approaching. Swiftly, Tony shoved the Tesseract into his briefcase. "Arnim?"

And around the corner walked Howard Stark.

They made a bee line for the exit, keeping their heads down.

"Hey!" Called Howard, "door's this way, pal."

"Oh, yeah." Tony turned around shakily, knocking into a chair and accidentally sending a pile of papers flying to the ground. "Pardon me." He coughed. His hand snaked behind his neck, scratching nervously. 

"Do I know you?"

"No, sir." Tony shook his head, "I'm... uh, I'm a visitor from MIT."

Howard nodded, looking down at Stevie, "is it bring your daughter to work day?" He chuckled, "got a name?"

"Howard." Choked her dad, "Howard Potts. This is my daughter... Parker." He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into his chest as he ruffled her hair.

"Howard and Parker Potts? Shouldn't be hard to remember. I'm Howard Stark." He reached out his hand to Tony, offering only his pointer finger. "Shake it, don't pull it." He joked. "You look a little green around the gills there, Potts. Wanna get some air?"

They followed Howard out of the room, back up the elevator and into the street where Steve was leant against a building in the shadows, waiting. "Hey, kid." Tony told Stevie, "run along for a second, yeah? Go see uncle Steve."

She looked at him oddly, but made her way towards Steve, nonetheless. He was propped awkwardly against a pillar, his army hat covering his eyes in fear of being recognised. "Hey." He greeted her. She returned it with a nod and stood quietly beside him.

"What you said..." Started the Super Soldier, "about having a last dance..."

She brushed it off, "it was nothing. I, um, I just know a lot about you and Peggy. I've been to the Museum."

"And your name?"

"Yeah, I was named after you." She nodded, her lips forming a thin smile. "You're a hero. What you did for your friend cost you so much, but you still risked everything for him. That kind of stuff takes courage."

Steve laughed, "that means a lot coming from a Stark. Your dad's hard to please."

"talking about me?" Tony approached them, "all good things, I hope."

"Always." Assured Stevie. She then turned to face Steve who was clutching three tubes of the Pym Particles, holding one out to each of them. "I know my co-ordinates." She said, "I can get back from here."

Tony pulled her in for a hug. He knew how it felt to see his own father, so he understood that she felt the same way. Silently, he knew that he wouldn't make it to seeing her at this age. The grief-stricken look that stirred in her eyes told him everything that he needed to know. "I... I need to know one thing..." 

She nodded, a singular tear sliding down her face. "Peter made it." She mumbled, "he's all grown up now. Wears a suit to work and big, stupid glasses just like you."

"I'm sorry." Tony bit his lip. "I'm sorry I couldn't make it back for you."

And just like that, her suit began to close around her, the beeping on her watch sending her into a panic. She had one last chance to say something, anything. "I got into MIT early. Like you"

"I'm so proud." His eyes were trickling salty tears as he tried to ignore the tightening ball in his throat. The corners of his eyes crinkled in the way that they did when he smiled. It was a sad smile, but it was a smile either way. "You're gonna do great things, kid."

And she was gone.

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