Chapter 20

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I woke up to the sound of a phone ringing. My phone. Instinctively, I moved to answer it, but found myself bound to a chair in a large warehouse. I looked around, but couldn't find him.

"Well, lookie here." A familiar voice taunted. "If it isn't the brothers Winchester."

"You bitch." I snarled at Meg, jerking about in my ropes.

"Let's answer, shall we?" She smiled sadistically, stuffing a gag into my mouth. "Now, now. Be polite. It's rude to speak when someone's on the phone."

"It's rude when to answer someone else's phone, too." I tried to say, but it came out like gibberish.

"You boys really screwed up this time." Meg put the phone on speakerphone.

"Where are they? Where is she?" I heard Dean in a shaky voice, and I fought my ropes harder. It seemed smart at the time, but all I did was knock my chair over and my gag out of my mouth.

"Fuck, that hurt." I groaned, trying unsuccessfully to get my face off the ground.

"You're never gonna see them again." Meg glared at me.

"I just heard her." Sam's voice chimed in. "Where are they? Where's my sister?"

"Guess speakerphone wasn't the way to go, Meg." I taunted with a muffled voice, my cheek still pressed against the cold floor. I groaned again when her boot met my forehead.

"She's alive, leverage." Meg kept the phone on speaker. "As for your dad, you'll never see him again."

"What? No." I thrashed around on the floor, desperately needing to be free. "Sam, Dean-"

I stopped when a beep indicated that Meg had hung up the phone.

"Where's my Dad?"

"I just told them." Meg smiled at me. "You'll never see him again."

"He's not dead." I heard my mother's voice whisper. "Lucille I'm losing strength. I can only speak to you for so long. Your father is alive. Don't let her know you know that."

I heard what sounded like static.

"I love you, angel." Mom said sweetly, her voice growing faint. "This is the last time we will speak."

I wished my mother love and safety, and the weight I felt whenever she possessed me was lifted. She was gone. I would never speak to my mother again. I couldn't be too upset though, I mean, Sam had never spoken to her.

"I hate you." I spat at Meg.

"Well, hate me in the car, sweetie." Meg broke the chair, twisting my wrist a direction it wasn't meant to bend. She sprained my wrist. "We're gonna meet your big brothers."

"Joke's on you." I groaned as she hauled me to my feet. "Sam's younger than me."


"No." I shook my head as Meg pulled me up to a familiar house. It belonged to a man named Bobby. He was one of Dad's oldest friends, and one of the few people I considered family. He was a more prominent figure in my life than Dad was. He and Dad had some kind of falling out though, I hadn't seen him in a few years.

"Not yet." Meg looked smugly over to Bobby's dog, Rumsfeld.

"No, Meg, no!" I yelled, but she shoved a gag into my mouth. I closed my eyes as I heard the pup I had known since I was a kid bark fiercely before letting out a sad whine. She killed him.

"Now it's time to hurt people." Meg smirked at me, dragging me by the elbow up to Bobby's door, and breaking it in. She shoved me to the ground, my head colliding with the doorframe. Everything around me became blurry.

Great. A sprained wrist and a concussion.

"No more crap, okay?" I heard Meg say to my brothers and Bobby. I blinked hard, everything was so damn bright. I opened my eyes to see Dean being thrown back behind a tall stack of books. I didn't see him get up again. "I want the colt- the real one- otherwise sissy here will act as your payment to me."

"We don't have it. We buried it." Sam put his arm in front of Bobby, glancing between me and Meg.

"Didn't I say 'no more crap'?" Meg started towards Sam and Bobby, forcing them to back away from her. "I swear, after everything I heard about you Winchesters- don't move sweetie- I'm a little underwhelmed."

"I didn't move, bitch. You're literally holding me down with your powers" I groaned, grabbing my head. "By the way, Sam, don't give her the goddamn gun."

"Shut up." Meg snapped, adding more weight to the force holding me down, pressing my head against wood floors of Bobby's house. "First Johnny tries to pawn off a fake gun and brings along backup, and then he leaves the real gun with you two chuckleheads. Not to mention your sweet sister who tried to make a phone call while being stalked through any echoey warehouse by two demons."

"In my defense, I was calling for backup. It's not like I was arranging a gossip session."

"Down, sweetie." Meg amplified her powers, and I cringed as a floorboard below me creaked under the pressure. "Did you boys really think I wouldn't find you?"

"Actually, we were counting on it." Someone spoke, Dean, and suddenly I could move again. Dean reached down and I gave him my uninjured hand so he could pull me up. I groaned and Dean let me lean on him gently. I looked over at Meg, and found a devil's trap painted on the ceiling above her.

"You boys rock." I laughed, holding my sprained wrist gently.

"You okay, Lucy?" Bobby asked, and I smiled at him and Sam.

"Fine." I sighed, at the pounding in my head. "She sprained my wrist, and I'm pretty sure I'm concussed- but other than that, I'm peachy."

"Alright, bud." Bobby nodded, barely cracking a smile. "I'm gonna salt the doors and windows."

"You wanna do the honors, sis?" Sam offered, holding out ropes to me.

"Oh, do I ever."

It was extremely satisfying to tie up Meg. I would have liked it more if she had complained or acted a little scared and annoyed. But it was still nice to see her subdued, and knowing I had done it to her.

"Paybacks a bitch." Sam hugged me when I finished, pressing a relieved kiss to the crown of my head.

"I'm fine, little brother." I laughed, hugging him back tightly.

"If you wanted to tie me up, all you had to do was ask." Meg decided to ruin the moment. "I will admit though, I'm not too into the idea of all three of you being involved. I mean, you're siblings."

"I hate you."

"I salted the windows and doors." Bobby came back into the room. Dean nodded, and pushed himself off the desk he had been leaning on. "If there are any demons out there, they ain't getting in."

"Where's our father, Meg?" Dean asked from just outside the devils trap.

"You didn't ask very nicely." I wasn't sure if she was trying to be smug or seductive. Either way, it just came across as weird.

"Where's our father, bitch?" Dean asked the question again.

"You kiss your mother with that mouth?" Meg taunted, and I felt myself stiffen. I had to tell them about Mom. "Oh, I forgot, you don't."

"You think this is a freaking game?" Dean snapped at her, his tone going from composed to out-of-control angry. "Where is he? What did you do to him?"

"He died screaming." Meg looked Dean dead in the eyes. "I killed him myself."

"Dean, wait." I said after he slapped her across the face. "Dad's alive. I know it. She's lying to you."

"All of you, c'mere." Bobby led us just outside the room. "You gotta be careful with her. Don't hurt her.


"Because she really is a girl." Bobby informed us. "She's possessed- a human taken over by a demon. Can't you tell?"

"That's actually good news." Dean looked at us. "But we'll get there later. Luce, how do you know Dad's alive? Did you see him?"

"No." I pursed my lips. "Mom told me- and before you ask, I'll explain later."


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