Chapter 7

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We encountered many more monsters on our search for Dad. Most of which were pretty boring, but if you're curious, I'll give some quick overviews.

We faced Bloody Mary, who just turned out to be some random Mary who had the worst bedhead I had ever seen. She used mirrors to find victims, which led us to break at least thirty mirrors, which meant we had earned ourselves a lot of bad luck.

Some shifter dressed up in a Dean costume, even though it wasn't Halloween, and murdered some kids from Sam's college. It tried to kill some other people, but we managed to gank it first.

Unfortunately, some security footage had caught the shifter committing the murder with Dean's face, so to keep the cops away, we let people believe that Dean really had killed those kids. So we let the cops find the dead shifter, believe it was the real Dean, and have a funeral for the monster.

So legally, Dean Winchester died.

We ended up infiltrating a college and church after hearing about some murders that fit the MO of The Hookman. Sam had a mini-fling with the preacher's daughter, Lori. We thought her Dad, the preacher, was summoning the spirit of Hookman to keep Lori away from impurities. We later realized it was actually Lori who was calling him without even realizing it. Something about being brought up to believe that sinners should be punished.

Needless to say, I was grateful I didn't have her upbringing. No matter what Dean thought, I was far from a celebate. I had lost my virginity not long after my 15th birthday.

My fear of bugs was justified when a bunch of creepy crawlers went psycho and attacked anyone who tried to build on a plot of land. We met a family on that hunt, with a father who was cold towards his son, which was sadly similar to the way Dad was with us. So that was fun and easy. We never actually got rid of them, just made sure nobody tried to develop the land plot again.

Sam drew a really cool tree, which led to him telling us that he had creepy dreams in which he could see the future, which was why he felt so guilty about Jessica. He had dreamt her death before it happened. I suggested he take up fortune telling, but Sam told me to stop being stupid. So that was kind of offensive, but I got over it.

One of Sam's visions led us back to Lawrence Kansas, the place we had lived before Mom had died. So that was a lighthearted trip. We actually ended up at our old house to get rid of some alleged spirits.

We looked into Dad while we were there, and ended up meeting some psychic, Missouri. I liked her, she was kind of a badass. She helped us out with some spirits haunting our old house.

Sam lost in a fight with a lamp cord, and I got attacked by some throw pillows. Dean destroyed some walls to stop the furnishing of our old house from attacking us. It turned out there were multiple spirits in the house, one of which was our mother. She actually ended up saving us from the other spirit. It was pretty emotional to see her, I had a good cry after that hunt- not in front of my brothers, of course.

Also, apparently there was an axe among the arsenal we kept in our trunk. Handy when you need to break down a supernaturally locked door.

We looked into an old mental hospital that was seemingly haunted, and had to save two dumbass teenagers who thought an abandoned insane asylum was a good first date idea. We realized the patients weren't bad, they just wanted to talk to us, and that it was the doctor who was killing people. The evil doctor messed with Sam's head and made him say some pretty nasty things, and even held me at gunpoint.

Dean handed him a gun to shoot me with, but it turns out Dean's not a total dumbass because the gun wasn't loaded. I only wish he'd have told me before he gave it to Sam so I didn't almost piss myself from fear. We ended up having to burn a lot of bodies that night, between the evil doctor and all the patients whose bodies were just left in the asylum.

That's about it though. We're all caught up to date. Great. I can continue with my story now.

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