Chapter 5

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"Can I get you anything else?" The flirty waitress leaned over the table where Dean and I sat. Dean's mouth morphed into a grin around the pen he was chewing.

"Just the check, please." Sam returned, effectively ruining Dean's fun. Mister Grump, also known as Sam, was not amused by his flirty antics. The waitress smiled awkwardly as she walked away. Dean hung his head and I laughed at his frustration.

"You know, Sam, we are allowed to have fun once in a while." Dean watched as the skinny waitress walked back into the kitchen. "That's fun." Sam still looked unamused, but my laughter stopped when a ridiculously hot guy walked past our table.

"Speaking of fun..." I started after him, only to receive a yank on the wrist from Dean and the evil eye from Sam. "Just because you wanna mope all day doesn't mean I have to become a nun, Sam."

"Nope, but hunting with us means you're a celibate." I groaned at Dean's comment, and Sam nodded his head. Dean rolled his eyes at my reaction. "Here, take a look at this. I think I got one."

"Lake Manitoc, Wisconsin." I leaned over to read Dean's newspaper out loud. "Last week Sophie Carlton, eighteen, walks into the lake, doesn't walk out. Authorities dragged the water; nothing. Sophie Carlton is the third Lake Manitoc drowning this year. None of the other bodies were found either. They had a funeral two days ago."

"A funeral?" Sam looked confused.

"Yeah, it's weird." Dean said nonchalantly, going back to biting his pen. Gross. I slapped it out of his mouth and he glared at me. "They buried an empty coffin for closure, or whatever."

"Closure? What closure?" Sam seemed to be angry. "People don't just disappear, Dean. Other people just stop looking for them."

Scratch that, Sam was definitely angry

"Something you want to say to me?" Dean met Sam's eyes, looking like a parent about to pull the 'because I said so' card.

"The trail for Dad. It's getting colder every day."

"So, what're we supposed to do?" I stupidly involved myself in their fight. I didn't like to pick sides when my brother's fought, but lately Sam had become completely irrational.

"I don't know, something!" Sam exclaimed, looking back to Dean and lowering his voice back to it's normal volume. "Anything."

"You know what? I'm sick of this attitude. You don't think I wanna find Dad as much as you do?"

"Yeah, I know you do, it's just—" Sam tried to prove his point, but Dean was just warming up. Sammy, was about to be reminded of how easy it was to have a point verbally destroyed by Dean Winchester. If Sam wasn't acting like such a moron, I might've felt sorry for him.

"I'm the one-"

"We." I cut off Dean before he could go on a rant. Was it a stupid thing to do? Yes. Do I regret it? Maybe. Was I willing to be forgotten in Dean's argument? Oh hell no.


"We. You weren't alone, Dean. I was there too."

"Fine." He rolled his eyes at me. "We're the ones that've been with him every single day for the past two years, while you've been off to college going to pep rallies. We will find Dad, but until then, we're gonna kill everything bad between here and there. Okay?"

Sam rolled his eyes, and Dean accepted his silent admission of defeat. The boys got up and Dean slid his card to me so I could pay. The waitress returned with our bill, sliding a small piece of paper on top. I spotted some numbers on the scrap, and realized it was probably her cell number.

"For my brother?" I looked up at her, completely used to girls slipping Dean their digits.

"What? No." That surprised me. "That's for you."
A smile grew on my face, before I shot her a flirty smile. I'd never been interested in girls, but that was rich. Dean totally thought she was into him, hell, so had I. Point to the younger sister.

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