Chapter 10

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We took a few more hunts after that, and ended up learning that Sam wasn't the only psychic kid out there. We met another boy, Max, who had gone haywire and used his abilities to harm others. His mother had died when he was six months old, just like Sam and I, and his father described her death just like our mom's.

That took a few weeks to digest, but eventually we decided to get back into it.

We traced some disappearances to Minnisota. We interviewed a kid who had witnessed a disappearance before heading to a local pub to research. Once again, I ended up getting drunk off my ass, and Sam decided to take me outside for some fresh air.

Next thing I knew, I was waking up in a cage. I didn't realize it at first, I had a wicked hangover, but once I did, the first thing I did was look for my brothers. Dean was nowhere to be found, but Sam was passed out in the same cage as me.

"Sammy." I pinched his nose. "Wake up, moron. We're locked in a cage. Also, I really need some Advil." He jolted awake and I scrambled into a far corner of the cage in a failed attempt to act natural. Sam immediately fussed around, trying to find a weak point in the cage.

Why hadn't I thought of that?

Oh, right. I was too busy dying from a hangover.

Next thing I knew, Sam was swinging from the bars above us trying to slam open the door with his feet. The repeated clanging sound really wasn't doing me any favors, and Sam hadn't had any Advil in his pockets. After a bunch of swings, a more complaining from me, I heard some groaning nearby.

"Hey, Sammy, look." I pointed to a nearby cage. "There's a dude in there."

"I know." Sam looked unamused. "I've known he was there since I woke up."


"Are you okay?" Sam yelled to the man in the other cage.

"Does it look like I'm doing okay?" The man sassed back.

"Of course not, dumbass." I deadpanned. "You look like shit, my brother was just being polite."

"Where are we?" Sam asked the man.

"I don't know." The man shook his head. "Country, I think. Smells like the country."

"Yeah, no shit Sherlock." I shot the man a 'duh' look.

"Aren't you hungover?" Sam shot at me, and I rolled my eyes. "That's what I thought. Now go mope in the corner some more about how much you hate your life. Because your comments aren't helping anyone."

"Alrighty then." I stuck my tongue out at Sam. "I guess I'll stop talking."

"Thanks." Sam rubbed my head to help with the headache, and I leaned on his shoulder in thanks.

"So much for finding that missing guy, Mr Jenkins..." I grumbled, but Sam perked up and turned to face the man in the other cage.

"You're Alvin Jenkins, aren't you?" Sam glanced quickly at me, before focusing solely on the other man.

"Yeah." The man replied.

"Aren't you glad I kept talking?" I whispered to Sam, who gently flicked my head. He rubbed it apologetically when I flinched in pain though. Since telling them the full story of my incident with Dad, the boys had been really gentle with me.

"We were looking for you." Sam scoffed at our luck, or unluckiness. I'm not sure which would be a more accurate term. We had found the man we were searching for, but had to get locked in a cage to find him.

"Oh, yeah?" The man chuckled humorlessly.

"Yeah." Sam replied again.

"Well, no offence, but this is a piss poor rescue."

"Our brother's out there too." Sam pointed out to Alvin Jenkins, who I was liking less by the minute. "He's out there looking for us."

"So, he's not gonna find us." Jenkins snapped at us. "We're in the middle of nowhere, waiting for them to come back and do God-knows-what to us."

"Wait... you've seen them?" I lifted Sam's arm around me. I was cold. "What do they look like?"

"What are you talking about?" Jenkins seemed confused, but retreated into his cage when we heard an exterior door creak open. "Just look and see for yourself."

I pushed Sam's shoulder away from the door so I was angled slightly in front of him. No matter how big he got, or how close in age we were, he was my little brother. My instinct was to protect him. We watched as the hooded figures filed into the small room and momentarily unlocked our cages to slide in trays of food.

"Well fuck me from behind and call me Carla." I muttered.

"I'll be damned." Sam mumbled at the same time.

"They're just people." We said at the same time.

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