Chapter 11

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We found Meg again, while investigating a case. Apparently she was a demon or something, and was trying to use us to trap Dad. As much beef as I had with Dad, he was still my dad, ya know? I still wanted things from him. Love, affection, maybe a little bit of care and comfort. I knew I would probably never get it, but I couldn't help but hope.
Meg was summoning and controlling daevas, and was using them to attack people. We had called Dad for help, but heard no response. So, in typical Winchester fashion, we went to stake out the warehouse Sam had caught Meg sneaking into. Unfortunately, Meg had seen us coming, and had sicked the daevas on us, and managed to get all three of us tied up to posts.

"Hey, Sammy." I hissed at him, when I saw him wake up. "Next time you decide to run away, don't."

"I didn't plan this."

"Still. Last thing we need is to meet another psychotic bitch on the side of a road."

"Yeah, Sam." Dean piped up, alerting us that he, too, was awake. "Don't take this the wrong way, but your girlfriend? She's a bitch."

"This. The whole thing was a trap." Sam glared at Meg, ignoring our sarcastic teasing. "Running into you at the bar, following you here, hearing what you have to say- it was all a setup, wasn't it."

Meg laughed.

"And all the victims from Lawrence?" I asked her in curiosity.

"Doesn't mean anything." She grinned at me. "It was just to draw you in, that's all."

"You killed those two people for nothing." Sam spoke in a low monotonous voice, one I had only heard a select few times when he was angry or hurt beyond belief.

"Baby, I've killed a lot more for a lot less."

"You trapped us." Dean drew her eyes from Sam. "It's actually not that hard. We seem to get captured a lot. But still, you did it. Good for you. It's Miller Time. Why don't you kill us already?"

"She doesn't want us." I spoke slowly, straining to reach my switch blade to cut myself free. "The trap's for Dad. We're the bait, well, you're the bait. You guys, you're his boys. You're his weakness."

"Why are you doing this, Meg?" Sam's voice cracked slightly, and I could see that he too was working at his ropes with his knife. "What kind of deal you got worked out here, huh? And with who?"

"I'm doing this for the same reasons you do what you do. Loyalty. Love." She paused, before cocking her head slightly at Sam. "Like the love you had- forgive me, have- for Mommy and Jess."

"Go to hell." He whispered, but I could see the tears gathering in his eyes. I reached my leg over to press my foot against his. Sam shot me a faint, teary smile.

"Baby, I'm already there."

"Would you quit calling him that?" I snapped at Meg. "He's not a damn baby, and he's sure as heck not your baby. So come up with something a tad bit more accurate, would ya?"

"But you call me-"

"Shut it, Baby Brother." I shot him a glance. "I'm your big sister. There's a difference."

"Twin sister, but whatever..."

"Enough!" Meg yelled at us, before seductively crawling towards Sam. I felt my stomach churn. She opened her mouth and breathed her way up his body. I looked away, unable to watch my brother in such a creepy, gross, and sexual situation. "Come on, Sam. There's no need to be nasty. I think we both know how you really feel about me."

"God, I'm gonna puke." Dean muttered reaching for his knife.

"You know, I saw you watching me." Meg whispered in Sam's ear, just loud enough for us to hear. "While I was changing in my apartment."

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