Chapter 1

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Twenty two years had passed since the day my mother died. I was roused from my sleep, to the smell of a dusty motel room. After a glance at the clock, I glared angrily at my big brother, Dean. Dean wasn't a morning person, and neither was I. There was no reason to be awake.

"Dean," I grumbled, assuming he was going out on a hunt. "Just turn the lights off and come back when you're done. Don't get killed and lock the door on your way out."

"I'm not hunting, Ghost." Dean teased. I had always been pale, like my mother. The boys, who were far tanner than I was, had taken up the nickname Ghost. "We're going to a family reunion."

"Dad's back?"

"Dad's not our only family, Lu." Dean hinted.

"Nope," I grumbled, faceplanting back into the flat pillow. "I'm not going. Feel free to visit him, but I'm staying here. Do me a favor and tell him I hate him?"

"Luce," Dean groaned. "He's our brother, your twin. We need him to find Dad."

"Exactly," I hissed at Dean. "He was my twin, yet he let two years go by without so much as a hello. He's not my brother, and he hasn't been for a long time. You're my brother, Dean. The only one I've got, and the only one I need."

"Lucille Christina Winchester, it wasn't a question. I'm in charge. We're going to get Sam, and then we're going to find Dad. Understood?" I hated when Dean talked like that. He always took charge, with Dad being gone so much, but sometimes it was annoying to have my brother act like my father.

"Whatever you say, Captain." My voice was muffled by her pillow and I flashed Dean a mocking thumbs up. A sigh escaped Dean's mouth, and then I was no longer in bed.

The bastard had picked me up.

"Dean," I shrieked, trying desperately to keep my hair out of my face. "Dean, fine! Okay! You win, you win, just put me down." Anger faded into laughter as Dean plopped me down on my feet in the bathroom.

"We're leaving in 20 minutes. If you're not ready by then, you can load up half dressed."

"Maybe that's what I want," I teased my big brother. "I'm sure a lot of people would appreciate the show. Don't ya think Dean-o?"

Dean's eyes flashed with anger, and I laughed at his reaction. I gently shoved the back of his head, letting him know I was joking. He shot an exasperated look my way, before leaving me to get ready. No matter how much time passed, we always knew how to get a rise out of one another.

I waited for Dean to leave before locking myself in the bathroom and facing my reflection in the mirror. I let out a tired sigh, before putting on a determined face.

"You can do this, Lucy." I told myself. "It's just Sam. You can do this."

I waited a few seconds before letting my face fall.

"There's no way I can do this."

I peeked her head out of the bathroom to see Dean preoccupied with one of our duffel bags. I snatched the keys to our car, Baby, and bolted out of the motel room.

"Dammit, Lucy!"

Dean yelled, starting to chase after me. I managed to reach Baby, but just as I was about to open the door, Dean's arm wrapped around my waist, yanking me back.

"No!" I shrieked at Dean. "I don't wanna see him."

"Stop fighting me! Someone'll call the cops on us, Luce!" Dean grunted before once again, throwing me over his shoulder. We fought for almost another hour before I finally realized there was no winning. I relented, sitting silently in the passenger seat of the car, exchanging mocking angry glances with my big brother every once in a while.

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