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"What's that?" Ron pointed at the painting in my hand.

"Just a gift someone gave me." Ron knew about Draco, but I wanted the artist of the painting to be a secret.

I'm not embaressed about Draco, I just think it'll be more special if I only knew he made it.

"Can I see?" Ron curiously asked.

I gave in and handed the gorgeous painting to Ron.

"Wow, that's brilliant." Ron starEd at the amazing portrait.

Draco made me more beautiful than I actually am.

"We're hanging this up right now." Ron found a hammer and a nail and hung it on our living room wall.

I smiled at the artwork.

"I was thinking about this Draco guy you were talking about, I was wondering if he should come and have dinner with us sometime. I can invite Hermione, it'll be nice." Ron offered.

Thinking of Draco in my house made me nervous, but I don't want to say no to Ron.

So, I nod my head, "Yeah, I'll talk to him about it tomorrow."

"Brilliant." Ron said before walking to his bedroom.




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