It Was Torture.

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I impatiently waited for all the kids to leave my room. I need to talk to Draco.

When the last kid waved goodbye I sprinted to Draco's room.

I quickly knocked the door, "Come in!" I heared Draco shout through the door.

"Oh, hi Harry." Draco doesn't smile at me.

I ran up to him, "Draco, I am so, so, so sorry. I will literally get on my knees and beg for your forgiveness if I have to." I breathlessly say.

Draco smirked, "I would accepted your apology, but I will like to see this begging gig you have set up." Draco crossed his arms.

I sighed, if I have to beg for Draco's forgiveness, I'll do it.

I slowly got on my knees and claspef my handss together.

"Draco, I need for you to fogive me. I don't know what I'll do if you don't forgive me. You are amazing, brilliant, wise, talented, you are perfect. I'm so sorry I pushed you into giving me information that I don't need to know. I'm sorry." I apologize.

Draco smiled, "I accept your apology." I got up off of my knees and sighed.

"Thank you." I said to the blonde boy.

"Now, as a small punishment, can you help me clean off the paint from these painbrushes?" Draco aksed.

"Gladly." I walked to the sink in Draco's room the was filled with dirty paint brushes.

Draco was on the other side of the room rearranging a bookshelf.


I was still cleaning paintbrushes when I heard Draco from the other side of the room sigh.

"Do you still remember?" Draco asked.

I stoppped washing the brushes and turned to look at Draco, he was facing away from me.

"Remember what?" I questioned.

I know dream Draco told me not to question things, but sometimes I need to ask questions for life to continue. Dream Draco can be wrong.

"After dinner? In the driveway? D-do you still remember? Do you want to remember?" Draco nervously asked.

"Of course I remember. I never want to forget." Draco finally turned around to face me.

"Good. I don't want to forget either." Draco whispered loud enough for me to hear.

We both walked forward at the same time and smashed our lips together.

The emotions from the kiss was borderline unbearable. I felt everything, it was too much, but I couldn't stop.

Draco pulled away and we both gas3oed for air as we pressed our foreheads together.

Draco suddenly pulled his head away and grabbed my arm. I raised my eyebrow and followed the blonde boy when he tugged me through the room.

Draco crouched down on the floor and moved a large unfinished painting. A small door? Draco swung it open and looked up at me.

"Well, come on." Draco said.

I obeyed and crouched down behind Draco. We both crawled through the door.

I was expecting some crazy laboratory or somthing out of a crazy sci-fi movie. But, it wasn't.

It was a small room covered in black paint. Black chalk paint. Chalk drawings covered the walls and ceiling. I smiled at the artwork.

Draco sat against the wall not caring if the chalk smudges.

I shut the small door behind me and pressed my back against the door.

We sat in a short moment of silence before Draco turned his head to look at me.

"They were controlling. I couldn't leave the house unless I had to go to a family event. I didn't go to a grocery store until I turned eighteen and moved out. I was taught through online school my whole life, I didn't have anything. My mother was the only person in that house that had any hope in me, it wasn't a lot of hope, but it was enough. When I left she told me not to look back and I haven't since. That's why I don't go by Mr. Malfoy. I don't want to be involved with those monsters, but their brand is printed onto my skin forever." Draco rolled up his sleeve to show the tattoo.

"It was torture Harry. Literally and metaphorically. H-He's locked me in rooms before, burned me, hit me, yell at me, threaten me, he was evil. He is evil." Drack ranted. "That's why I got so uncomfortable when you kept bringing up my family and I'm sorry I didn't just tell you." Draco apologized.

"Don't apologize Draco. Don't ever apologize for the tramua that man put you through. Thank you for trusting me enough to tell me." I said with a small smiled.

There was a short pause of silence.

Draco's opening up to me, but I haven't. If I really think about, Draco barely knows anything personal about me.

I sighed, here we go.

"My parents died when I was three." I bluntly said.

Draco's mouth fell open.

"It was a murder. No one knows who did it. The man who killed my parents is still out there. He could be anyone, I could know the person that killed them and I would have no idea." I gulped.

"I walked in on their murder. I saw the mother fucker and I still don't know who it was. Can't help but feel like it was all of my fault." I admitted.

"Ron's family adopted me. I'm not sure why they thought adopting another kid was a good idea when they already seven kids. But, I'm glad they took me in anyway." We both chuckled.

"Thank you." Draco whispered as he graabbed my hand.

"Thank you." I kissed Draco's cheek.



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