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Ron walked in the house with a giggling Hermione attached to his hip.

Dravo and I stood up from our places on the couch.

"So?" Draco asked.

Ron smiled as Hermione held out her hand to show us the ring.

"Congratulations!" I tackled Ron in a hug.

Ron chuckled and patted my back.

From the corner of my eye I saw Draco giving Hermione a short hug. I love how well Ron and Hermione got along with Draco.

Now that I think of it, I never told Ron and Hermione we started dating. I'm pretty sure they already know though.

I turned to Hermione as Draco turned to congratulate Ron.

"I'm so happy for you guys." I said as I delicatly wrapped my arms around Hermione.

"I'm happy for us too." She said with a giggle.

I could also see Draco give Ron a short hug.

"Well, we're going to head to bed. Thank you for the kind words." Ron smiled as he led Hermione to his bedroom.

I turned to Draco with a large smile plastered on my face. I was in a hugging mood.

I quickly wrapped my arms around Draco.

"I'm so happy for them." Draco whispered.

"I can't believe it. The kid I grew up with became a man and is now getting married!" I said with a large smile. I couldn't be any prouder.



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