Just Wake Up.

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"I can't believe Ron and Hermione have been married for three years already!" Draco said as he placed a cup of tea in front of me.

"I know, it feels like yesterday we were encouraging him to propose to her." I recalled with a smile.

Draco rested his chin on his hand and stared at me as I drank my tea.

"Is everything alright?" I knew something was up.

"I was... I was just wondering if we'll ever get married one day." Draco quietly said.

I sighed, "We will. We're just tight on money and I want everything to be perfect for you." I said.

"You say that everytime." Draco muttered.

"What do you want me to say? Want me to say that I'll propose to you with a shitty ring and we'll get a shitty venue? I know you want a big nice wedding so I'll wait as long as I have to to make sure you get the perfect wedding." I sternly said.

"I d-don't need an extravagant wedding." Draco lied.

"Bullshit. I know what you want Draco. You'll just have to be patient." I said.

I knew Draco was in a bad mood after our conversation when he wordlessly went up stairs to get dressed in our bedroom.

I sighed and finished my cup of tea.

Draco walked down the stairs, "I'm going to work." Draco muttered.

"Alright, see you soon. Love you." No response. I guess that's how he's feeling today. I know how to be patient. I'll wait until Draco's feeling better to talk to him.


Saldy, Draco's job makes him work late nights. So, when he didn't come home I decided to just go to bed. He'll be home in the morning.


"Hello Potter." A voice whispered into my ear. I slowly turned around. I haven't experienced this in years.

Dream Draco stared at me with a devilish smile.

"This again?" I sarcastically asked.

Dream Draco tsked and sat on the curb. The red car still sat in it's place with a dent on the hood and smoke emerging from the inside.

"Are you ever going to tell me what's up with that car?" I pointed at the red car.

"No. But, you'll find out very soon." Dream Draco smirked.

I sighed and sat next to dream Draco.

"Any reason why I'm dreaming about you again?" I asked.

"Yes." Dream Draco bluntly said.

I groaned and looked at the area we were sitting in. Familiar.

I looked to my left and saw a sign with my street name on it.

"What the hell?" I stood up and ran down to my street. My house was here.

I know where I am. How have I never noticed?

I ran back to where dream Draco was sitting.

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