He Isn't Real.

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I lightly tapped my knuckles against Draco's door. "Come in!" Draco shouted.

"Hi Harry!" Draco ran up to me when I opened the door and hugged me.

I chuckled and wrapped my arms around the blonde boy.

"What was that for?" I asked before I lightly kissed Draco's forehead.

"I missed you." Draco shyly said.

"I missed you too." I said with a smile.

"I was wondering if you maybe wanted to go on a date? We can go get some food?" I offered.

"That sounds lovely!" Draco collected his items, "Where were you thinking?" Draco asked.

"The Owl Cafe, they have wonderful sandwiches." I stated.

"Lead the way." Draco said with a large smile.


We sat down at a table. The last time I was here was with Ron.

Now that I think about it, this was the same table I sat at with Ron last time.

I looked towards a certain spot in the cafe, and something felt so familiar.

I looked at Draco who is looking around at the resturant.

My eyes flickered between the blonde boy and a certain booth in the cafe. I saw Draco here when I was with Ron.

I remember the two black eyes and the split lip the blonde boy had in the cafe. Was the Draco I saw really Draco?

I decided to sneakily figure out if Draco got in a fight shortly before I saw him at this cafe. That would explain the balck eyes and the split lip.

"Have you ever gotten in a fight? Like a physical fight?" I asked.

Draco chuckled, "Strange question. Yes, I have. Not my proudest moment. I was very young though, I was around twelve. There was a family reunion at my home and my cousin was being a dick, so I punched him. He actually pounced on me and tried to choke me, but my mother seperated us." Draco recalled.

Fuck, Draco wasn't in a fight before I saw him for the first time. Has he ever been in here? He's acting like this is the first time he's ever been here.

"Have you ever been here before?" I question the blonde.

"No. It looks delightful though." Draco said with a smile. Draco couldn't tell that I was internally freaking out.

If the boy I saw wasn't Draco, who was it?

The boy I saw looked exactly like Draco, except he had two black eyes and a split lip. The boy I saw had to have been Draco. Unless... Was he dream Draco? I mean, dream Draco and the boy I saw both had black eyes and split lips. No, the boy couldn't have been dream Draco. Dream Draco only exists in my dreams. He isn't real, dream Draco is not real.

I continued to try to reassure myself as Draco looked through the cafe's small menu.

I cleared my throat, "Do you know what you want?" I asked.

"Yeah, I think I'm going to get a zucchini and turkey sandwich on wheat bread." Draco said.

"Alright, Ill go order for us." I stood up and walked to the ordering station.


I placed Draco's sandwhich in front of him.

"Thank you, dear." Draco thanked and he eagerly took a bite of his sandwhich.

"Have you ever been in a fight?" Draco asked after he swallowed his first bite of his sandwhich.

"I've been in verbal fights, but not physical. I'm too scared to do stuff like that." I explained before I took a bite out of my Italian sub sandwhich.

When Draco didn't answer I turned to look at him. He was staring right back at me.

I raised an eyebrow, "Is there something on my face?" I asked at the staring boy.

Draco smiled, "No, you just look so handsome under this light." Draco rested his chin on the palm of his hand.

I blushed and chuckled, "Really?" I asked.

"Of course, you're handsome all the time, but something about the dim lighting makes you look heavenly." Draco explained with a smile.

I blushed and looked down at my lap.

"You're acting like you've never been complimented." Draco smirked.

"No one has ever called me handsome." I admitted.

Draco gasped, "They're fucking idiots if they don't see your beauty right away." Draco sternly yet softly said.

I blushed, "You flatter me." I whispered.

"I love flattering you." Draco kissed my cheek and continued to eat his sandwhich.


We stood in front of the cafe.

"I want to ask you something." I nervously said.

"Go ahead." Draco smiled.

"Do you want to make this official?" I whispered.

Draco smiled and hugged me.

"Is that a yes?" I questioned.

"It's a yes you silly boy." Draco pressed a quick kiss on my lips.

When he pulled away his face stayed close to mine.

My eyes flickered between his eyes and his lips.

I gulped and pressed my lips against his. This was a lot slower than any of our kisses.

I felt Draco smile against my lips a small chuckle escaped his mouth.

I pulled away and smiled too.

"I'm so happy." Draco whispered.

"Never been happier." I kissed Draco's cheek.



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