They Found Their Ways.

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I was on edge. But, I knew I had to listen to dream Draco. So, I got up and didn't question the dream. It was just a dream.

I walked to the kitchen to see Ron washing dishes from the dinner we had with Hermione and Draco last night.

"Moring Harry." Ron greeted.

"Hey." I tiredly said. "I have to get to work, I slept in a little. So, I won't be able to have breakfast with you today. Sorry Ron." I apologized.

"No worries mate. Get to work before your late." Ron reassured.


Seeing Draco was strange after seeing him in my insane dream. But, I didn't question it.

"Hey Harry!" Draco said when I opened the door.

"Hi. How was the day?" I asked.

"I had to take a girl's scissors away because she was threatening another kid with them. But, minus that it was pretty uneventful." Draco recalled.

I gasped and let out a small chuckle. My small chuckle led Draco to giggle too. We both looked at eachother and broke out laughing.

I needed a good laugh.

We both eventually cooled down. Draco's sleeve rose up and I saw the bottom of Draco's tattoo.

"Can I see your tattoo?" I curiously asked.

Draco's eyes went wide, "Uh... Y-Yeah, yeah, totally." Draco stuttered.

I stared in awe at the tattoo. It was extremely well done.

A snake in a form of an infinity symbol with a skull at the top. It looked clean and sharp. There was a small, barley noticeable, TMF, at the bottom right corner of the tattoo. This tattoo has to have some sort of meaning.

"Does it mean anything?" I curiously asked.

"Technically, yes. But, I don't like the meaning of it anymore." Draco whispered.

"What did it use to mean?" I asked.

"The Malfoy family." Draco stated.

"What do you mean?" I asked, I finally looked into Draco's eyes. He looked worried.

"It was my family's tattoo. Everyone in my family got it when they turned fifteen." Draco explained.

"Fifteen? You can't get tattoos at fifteen." I pointed out.

Draco sighed and pulled his sleeve down, "They found their ways."

Draco was onviousky uncomfortable with talking about his parents, but I wanted to know more.

But, this is exactly what dream Draco told me not to do. He told me not to question. Oh, who am I kidding? Its only a version of Draco I created in my own head. Dream Draco is bullshit.

"Why did you family need a family tattoo? It seems like some weird claiming thing-" I started.

"Harry! I would really rather not fucking talk about this." Draco shouted.


I gulped, "I'm going to... Head out." I quickly backed out of the room and ran to my car.



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