OWLs (44)

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It was the day of the OWLs, I was making my way to the great hall when I saw Fred and George running the opposite way.

"And where are you two going?" I asked them.

"It's a secret," Fred shouted back

"But you'll love it." George finished before they disappeared.

I shrugged it off not really knowing what they were talking about and continued walking.

Once we were in the great hall I sat on a desk at the back next to Draco, I hadn't studied at all for any classes so Draco told me he'd try to help me as much as possible. We were mid-exam and I had only managed to answer 2 questions before we all started hearing noises. Everyone turned around. Umbridge began making her way down towards the doors while everyone simply looked at her.

She opened the doors and I saw a spark flying in front of her face. I smiled knowing exactly what was happening, I turned to Draco and he looked confused as everyone else in the room. The spark then flew into the room bursting into three more sparks then into fireworks. I started to see smiles all around the room. A couple of seconds later louder noises were heard and Fred and George came flying into the great hall in their brooms throwing fireworks all around. Fred winked at me as he flew past.

My smile was wider than it had been all year as I watched them. George then flew over Draco and me and threw a firework down at us which burst into a heart. I laughed at the gesture and then I couldn't seem to stop laughing at all. I saw Draco crack a smile as well but it was soon gone when a spark that chased both Crabbe and Goyle flew at Draco's face leaving an imprint of his terrified expression on the wall. I laughed harder clutching my stomach causing Draco to nudged me.

When it all seemed like it couldn't get better Fred and George released a firework which turned into a huge dragon and chased Umbridge out of the hall and then proceeded to shatter all of her decrees. Fred and George then flew out of the hall and into the courtyard followed by all the students inside. I grabbed Draco's hand and we ran out together. We watched as Fred and George continued to throw fireworks, including one which turned into a W, a sight I know Hogwarts would never forget.

My smile immediately faded though when I saw Harry fall back into the ground. I pulled myself off Draco's grip and ran towards Harry.

"Harry? Harry?" I whispered trying to get him to talk to me.

Hermione joining soon after a couple of seconds later Harry simply said one word "Sirius."

He got up and ran inside the castle explaining on the way what he had seen, I saw Draco following us into the castle as well but didn't see him later once we were climbing the stairs. Hermione and I didn't seem fully convinced of Harry's visions especially after Draco had told me all about Occlumency given that he had mastered it during the holidays but Harry was so convinced it was real that we gave in and I also couldn't shake off the feeling of concern for Sirius. 

We figured out a way to make it to the Ministry. We sneaked into Umbridge's office with Ginny, Luna, and Neville's help except we didn't get very far since Umbridge caught us. Soon enough the inquisitorial squad was in her office holding all three of us and Luna and Neville. Draco was holding me.

"What the hell were you doing?" Draco whispered in my ear.

"Draco I have to go please help me," I whispered back as Umbridge was interrogating Harry.

Draco didn't answer since we both got startled when Umbridge slapped Harry and soon after Snape walked in.

"You sent for me headmistress?" He asked once he stepped into her office.

Umbridge asked Snape for Veritaserum, but Snape denied claiming he was out of stock. But before he could leave I shouted at him.

"He's got Padfoot!" I shouted causing all the attention to be drawn onto me including Draco who furrowed his brows. 

"He's got Padfoot at the place where it's hidden." Harry helped me out.

"Padfoot? What is Padfoot? Where what is hidden? What is he talking about Snape?" Umbridge questioned him.

Snape turned around slowly and before he faced Umbridge he glanced at me giving me some kind of confirmation he had understood. "No idea" He replied sounding convincing enough.

Umbridge seeming more frustrated than usual decided that her only solution now was to use the cruciatus curse on Harry but before she could act on that idea I saw Hermione glance at me and I knew she had thought of something. I felt Draco drop his hand into mine.

"TELL HER HARRY!" Hermione shouted. "Well if you don't tell her where it is...I will" Hermione continued and I caught on.

"Hermione you promised" I added making the situation more convincing.

"Where what is?" Umbridge asked looking at Hermione and me.

I turned to look at Hermione before she replied "Dumbledore's secret weapon."


Once Harry and Hermione were gone I took the opportunity to try to get Draco to help us.

"Draco this is extremely important and I need you to trust me, I need you to help us escape," I begged him.

He nodded in comprehension and I saw him trying to think of something but luckily Ginny and Neville beat him to it throwing inoffensive spells at the Inquisitorial squad except for Draco. But then all eyes were on him. I stepped in front of him so no spells would hit him.

"He'll help us," I assured them and they nodded and put their wands down.

"Draco I need you to make sure Snape has sent for help. Just tell him that and make sure it's done." I told him leaning in for a kiss before starting to walk away.

"y/n!" He said grabbing my arm before I was out of reach. "I love you, be careful." He said and I could see the concern in his eyes.

I walked back a little and gave him a long kiss "I love you, Draco."

As we ran outside Neville was next to me. 

"Love? when did that happen?" He questioned me as we ran. 

I turned and smiled at him "Not now Nev." I replied out of breath from running. 

We met Harry and Hermione at the bridge where they told us they had gotten rid of Umbridge. Harry tried to convince us to go alone but it didn't work out at all. All we needed now was to find a way to get to the ministry but Luna seemed to have the solution to that already. We went into the forest and mounted Thestrals, which to Harry and Luna seemed like no problem but to the rest of us, we were literally hovering meters over the ground on seemingly nothing which was as terrifying as it sounds. 

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