the end

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On a typical morning at Hogwarts, the ancient corridors echoed with the gentle murmurs of early risers and the occasional hoot of a resident owl. Despite the familiarity, there was an undercurrent of change that hinted at unforeseen developments.

In the shadowy confines of the Potions classroom, I found it challenging to focus. The text before me detailed an anti-emetic potion, but the monotony of the description did little to hold my attention. Professor Snape, overseeing the class with his usual foreboding aura, prowled between the desks. Cloaked in black, he epitomized the sternness that had become his hallmark at Hogwarts.

"As any competent wizard should know," Snape began, his voice dripping with disdain, "the timing of the ingredient addition is not merely a suggestion—it is imperative."

Before I could further ponder his words, the classroom door creaked open. A timid first-year Hufflepuff, barely managing to hold back his tremors, peered inside. Snape fixed him with a glare that seemed to freeze the very air.

"Professor McGonagall sent me," the boy squeaked, extending a parchment as though offering a peace treaty.

Snape snatched the parchment with a sneer. "This had better be important," he muttered, scanning the contents. His eyes narrowed, and with a scoff, he stormed out, his cloak billowing ominously behind him.

The class erupted into whispers, speculating about the nature of the message that could disturb our formidable Potions master so.

In the austere setting of Professor McGonagall's office, Snape's fury was palpable. "A trip? To Rome-Paris with a gaggle of students? This is absurd, Minerva."

McGonagall, ever the picture of calm, leaned forward. "Severus, your ability to educate extends beyond the classroom. This is an excellent opportunity for you to impart real-world wisdom."

"Chaperoning a holiday is hardly my idea of teaching," Snape retorted sharply.

"You will not be alone. Lucius Malfoy will be there as well," she added, a strategic afterthought.

Snape paused, his expression unreadable for a moment. "Lucius is involved? That does not reassure me, Minerva; it complicates things further."

Leaving the office with the trip confirmed despite his objections, Snape returned to the classroom with a storm brewing within him.

"Listen carefully," Snape announced as he swept back into the classroom. "We will be taking a trip to Rome and Paris. Those who wish to waste their time on such frivolities may sign up." He slammed the parchment down on my desk, his gaze cutting through the room.

I reached for the quill, eager despite his derision. My friend Zoe leaned close, her voice a whisper, "Think of the magic we'll see, the places we'll explore!"

But our quiet excitement was not quiet enough. "Miss Y/L/N, perhaps you believe the chatter of a schoolgirl more enlightening than my lecture?" Snape's voice was cold, laced with a challenge.

I met his gaze, my heart pounding. "No, Professor. I was just—"

"—Wasting class time with frivolous distractions?" he interrupted sharply. "Ten points from Slytherin for disrespect and disruption. And expect detention, Miss Y/L/N."

The room fell silent, the tension palpable. As the class dispersed, I stayed behind, my resolve firming.

"Professor Snape," I began, my voice more tremulous than I intended, "I wanted to apologize for earlier. I—"

"Save your apologies, Miss Y/L/N," Snape cut in sharply, his voice cold and unyielding. He didn't even look up from the scrolls of parchment that he was meticulously organizing on his desk. "Your lack of attention throughout the entire class was not only disruptive but disrespectful."

Something different I Severus/Lucius/Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now