time to make it clear

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The morning unfolded beautifully. After another passionate embrace that deepened our connection, Lucius and I shared a delightful breakfast together. The sun streamed through the kitchen windows, casting a warm glow over the table set with freshly brewed coffee, warm croissants, and a selection of fruits. The calm and joy of our morning routine felt like a cherished secret, a stark contrast to the tumult of the previous night.

Our peaceful meal, however, was soon interrupted by a familiar sound — the soft fluttering of wings. Lucius and I both turned our heads towards the window as an owl, one we both recognized as belonging to my family, landed gracefully on the sill. Its arrival was not unexpected, but the timing felt intrusive, slicing through the tranquillity of our morning.

Lucius stood to retrieve the letter attached to the owl's leg, giving it a small treat from a jar on the counter before releasing it back into the morning air. He handed the envelope to me, his expression a mix of curiosity and concern. I took a deep breath before breaking the seal and unfolding the paper.

As I read, my father's words were clear and firm, tinged with an undertone of worry:

"My dearest child,

I understand that you may be with Lucius at this time, but I strongly feel it would be wise for you to return home to clear your thoughts. The recent events have been taxing on all involved, and a moment of reflection away from the epicentre of these changes could provide much-needed clarity.

I also extend a cordial invitation to Lucius to join us for a family dinner on Saturday evening. It would be a pleasure to discuss matters at length in a respectful and kind environment, ensuring that all perspectives are considered. I believe this could be a step towards understanding and possibly reconciliation.

With all my love,


I folded the letter, feeling a mix of emotions swirling within me — anxiety, relief, and a touch of apprehension about the proposed family dinner. Lucius, noticing my silence, gently asked, "What does the letter say?"

I relayed the contents to him, watching his reaction closely. "He knows I'm here with you. He wants me to come home to reflect... and he's inviting you to dinner," I summarized, trying to keep my voice neutral.

Lucius nodded thoughtfully, taking a moment to process the information. "It sounds like your father is trying to bridge the gap, to mend things in his own way. What do you think about going back, and about the dinner?"

I sighed, looking into the cup of coffee I'd barely touched. "I think... it might be necessary. A bit of space could help, and the dinner might be an opportunity for us to present ourselves united, to show that this isn't just a whim."

Lucius reached across the table, taking my hand in his. "Whatever you decide, I'm with you. If you think going back is the right step, I'll support you, and I'll be there at the dinner, standing by your side."

His words offered comfort, and I squeezed his hand in gratitude. "Let's hope this dinner will help everyone see things more clearly."

After finishing our breakfast, a palpable understanding filled the space between us, acknowledging the steps we needed to take next. Lucius stood and offered me a tender kiss, a promise of support and affection sealed in that brief moment. Then, he guided me to a clearer area of the room, preparing to use magic for a more practical necessity."Ready?" he asked, with a reassuring smile. I nodded, feeling the mix of anticipation and anxiety for the impending return to my family home.

With a gentle touch, Lucius held onto my arm, and with the quiet murmur of the spell, we were surrounded by the squeezing, swirling sensation of apparition. In an instant, the familiar surroundings of my own room materialized around us, the transition as seamless as it was disorienting.

Something different I Severus/Lucius/Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now