shit happens

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The playful night took a sharp turn when we heard a familiar voice from the doorway. "Ddd... this, uh..." Lucius stammered, a rare moment of surprise etching his usually composed features.Draco stood there, a mix of shock and confusion on his face as he looked between us. 

His unexpected return was as dramatic as the context in which he found himself. "The fuck, Dad???" he exclaimed, his voice a blend of disbelief and anger. Turning to me, his eyes narrowed slightly, "The fuck, Y/N?"

The room, filled just moments before with laughter and warmth, suddenly felt tense and chilled. Lucius stepped forward, attempting to bridge the gap of silence and confusion.

Draco's anger didn't subside; it seemed to find new fuel as he continued, pacing slightly as he spoke. "And it's not like it's the first time, is it? I know about the affairs, Dad. I've known about the others," he spat the word with disdain, his gaze never leaving Lucius.

Lucius's face tightened, a silent admission of his past indiscretions hanging in the air.

Draco's eyes then flicked to me, his expression a mix of pain and disbelief. "And Mother... her affairs... at least they were somewhat understandable. Men her age, situations that, while not ideal, were at least normal. But this...!" His voice cracked, the words trailing off into a harsh laugh that sounded more like a sob.

"This is different, Draco," Lucius attempted to explain, his voice low and strained. "This isn't just an affair. It's more than that."

"More? How could it be more?" Draco shot back, his eyes narrowing. "How can you justify this?"

I stepped forward, hoping to ease some of the tension. "Draco, we didn't expect you to find out like this, and it's not just a simple mistake or lapse in judgment. It's something that just... happened. We never meant to hurt you or anyone."

"Something that just happened?" Draco repeated, mocking. "You think that makes it better? That justifies this?" His voice grew louder, his body tensed as if ready to bolt at any moment.

Draco, his features contorted in confusion and revulsion, whirled around abruptly as another thought struck him. "She is my ex, Father! Or wait... did this start while I was with her? That's even more disgusting. Ew! I can't believe this."

The emotional weight of the situation seemed to escalate with each word, and the air thickened with tension. Lucius, who had maintained a composed exterior throughout the confrontation, finally reached his breaking point at his son's words.

When Draco exclaimed "Ew!" the disdain in his voice seemed to strike a nerve. Lucius's face, which had been marked by an effort to remain calm and explanatory, suddenly hardened. In a swift, uncharacteristic motion fueled by a mix of anger and hurt, Lucius crossed the room and delivered a sharp smack to Draco's cheek. The sound reverberated starkly against the kitchen walls.

"You will not speak to your father like this!" Lucius's voice thundered, more authoritative than before. "I'm still your father, regardless of what has happened!"

The impact left a momentary silence hanging between them, both shocked by the physical escalation. Draco, hand pressed to his stinging cheek, stared at Lucius with wide, incredulous eyes. The atmosphere was charged with a raw intensity, the boundaries of their relationship tested as never before.

Draco spun back around, his face contorted with a mix of disbelief and anger. "You did not!" he exclaimed, his voice sharp and cutting.

"I did," Lucius responded firmly, his voice carrying a rare hint of vulnerability mixed with a firm resolve. "I love her, okay? You couldn't, and I can."

Something different I Severus/Lucius/Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now