i can feel it in my bones

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As we sat in my room by the warm glow of the fireplace, I looked over at Lucius, a thought tugging at my conscience. "You know what, Lucius?" I started, feeling a mix of nostalgia and regret.

"Hm?" he responded, turning his attention towards me, his expression open and attentive.

"I'm really sad that I ruined the bouquet you gave me. It was so beautiful," I confessed, the memory of the destroyed flowers bringing a slight frown to my face.

Lucius's reaction was immediate, but instead of disappointment, his face lit up with a knowing smirk. "You think I'd visit you with bare hands?" he teased, his tone light and playful. He quickly stood up and walked over to the window, reaching outside to retrieve something.

To my surprise and delight, he turned back holding a fresh bouquet of sunflowers and peonies, vibrant and full of life. My face warmed into a blush at his thoughtful gesture. "Such a gentleman," I remarked, the flowers bringing a genuine smile to my face.

Lucius walked back over, handing me the bouquet with a flourish. "They're beautiful," I said, admiring the blooms.

"And they're not nearly as beautiful as you," Lucius replied smoothly, a compliment that deepened my blush. His eyes sparkled with amusement at my reaction, pleased with the effect his words and the flowers had on me.

His charm and thoughtfulness in that moment only added to the warmth of the evening, making the room feel even cozier by the fire's gentle light.
I couldn't help myself; the moment felt too right. Throwing myself into Lucius, I hugged him tightly, pressing my lips to his in a flurry of affection. "I don't want to quarrel anymore, about anything!" I declared between kisses, feeling the urgency to put all disagreements behind us.

Lucius, ever the charmer, couldn't resist a playful jab, even in such a tender moment. "Even while kissing, you must talk," he teased, his smirk still in place as his arms wrapped around me more firmly.

Laughing, I shot back, equally playful, "And even while kissing Lucius, you must throw funny comments." I rolled my eyes affectionately at him, diving in for another deep kiss, savoring the mixture of humor and passion that seemed to define us.

Just then, Felix stormed into my room, halting abruptly as he took in the scene before him.

"Y/N," he began, his tone urgent, but his words trailed off into a mumble as he caught sight of Lucius. A brief moment of awkward silence followed before Felix regained his composure. "Uh, such a weird development in this situation. Good evening, Lucius."

I pulled away from Lucius slightly, still holding onto him as I turned to address Felix. "What's going on, Felix?"

"I just wanted to let you know that Severus came to see our father. I think you should know," Felix informed us, his eyes darting between Lucius and me, a flicker of amusement passing through them despite the seriousness of his news.

Before leaving, Felix couldn't resist adding his own tease, a light-hearted jab to cut through the tension.

"I'll leave you two to... sort out your various developments," he quipped with a raised eyebrow and a chuckle, then slipped out of the room, closing the door behind him.

Left in a blend of amusement and sudden concern, I looked up at Lucius, my smile fading a bit as the implications of Felix's news settled in. "Severus seeing father..." I murmured.

Lucius's laughter filled the room at the thought of Severus having to apologize and perhaps even beg for forgiveness, his amusement evident in the way his eyes twinkled with mischief. But his expression quickly shifted to one of concern as he pondered his own situation.

Something different I Severus/Lucius/Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now