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In light of the recent assassinations of The Queen of Busan and The former King of Gwangju, Queen Dawon has still refused to make a public speech in regards to the murders at her coronation.

Upon hearing the news, tension as risen between the districts, and it's only a matter of time before a war breaks out-

Dawon turns off her tv with a scoff and hides her face into her hands, letting out a heavy sigh of exhaustion.

"My queen, there are reporters at the mansion gates." Her maid announces as she stares out the window at the mass crowd of reporters shouting at the gates, all demanding to speak to the new queen.

"Tell the guards to keep them out. I will not speak to anyone." Dawon slowly rubs her eyes, trying to fight back a headache.

It's been hours since becoming queen and already a mountain of problems have fallen upon her shoulders. Not only does she have to deal with the media spreading rumors, she also has to deal with the loss of her father as well as the death of Jungkook's mother.

Her father's blood is still on her hands and gown, already dried from hours ago. With all that's happened, she hasn't had a chance to go to her room and change. Honestly it didn't even phase her at the moment with all the shit going on.

"As you wish." The maid says with a bow and heads for the door.

As soon as she leaves, the door opens again, this time it's Hoseok with Jungkook.

"Queen Dawon, we need to talk." Jungkook calmly approaches her, right away noticing the blood on her hands and dress.

She notices he is covered in his mother's blood, the sight alone is enough to make her stomach churn.

"King Jungkook, I'm so sorry for your loss. I promise we will find the person behind your mothers death."

"It's okay, I have that already taken care of." Says the king as he glances over to Hoseok for a moment, both obviously knowing the truth. "I just want you to know that I hold no grudges or any ill intentions against you or the district of Gwangju. I understand the media is creating tension between our districts, and I will make a public announcement to my people to ensure them that everything is under control."

The sigh of relief that leaves Dawon is enough for Hoseok to feel at ease with the situation. "Thank you." She tells him with a warm smile. She then looks at her hands and dress, grimacing at the sight of blood. "Hoseok, I'll be in my room bathing. Please make sure King Jungkook is escorted out safely."

"I will." Hoseok responds as he watches her leave. He then looks out the window, frowning with disgust at the reporters shouting for the queen to come out.

"Those fucking leeches won't give up." Jungkook comments.

"This is what Yoongi wanted. He wanted all media attention on us so he can make his escape with Jimin." Hoseok's anger is on the rise, and all his alters were on the same level with him when it comes to Jimin.

"With the media focused on us, the royal council will hold their investigation on him. He had everything planned out." Jungkook looks at Hoseok in displeasure. "They can be anywhere by now."

"I doubt they'd go back to Daegu. Yoongi isn't stupid enough to bring Jimin back to Taehyung's home." Hoseok rubs his chin as he thinks on it, coming up with possible ideas as to where they could have taken Jimin.

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