-|Lost Prince pt. 3|-

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"What the fuck are you doing in here?" Hoseok's voice whips out like a belt, stinging Jimin and Kookie's ears and making them both flinch in their spots. The look on Hoseok's face says it all as he glares at them with such intensity, he could burn holes in their skins.

"D-Daddy! I can explain!" Kookie comes forth in hopes to calm Hoseok down, but his innocent mind was clearly unaware of the grave mistake he has made. 

He takes one step closer to Hoseok and suddenly sees white for a moment before feeling the burning sting of a slap across his face. The slap rings in Kookie's ear as he stares at Hoseok with shock before bursting out in tears. 

Jimin remains motionless, the alcohol in his a system burns out as reality slowly brings him back. He realizes how badly they fucked up, especially since Hoseok slapped the hell out of Kookie. "H-hyung...I..I"

"Take it off." Hoseok commands sharply and Jimin hesitantly reaches for the crown and takes it off before setting it on the desk behind him. As he turns, Hoseok's hand collides with the side of his face, sending a wave of a thousand stings along with it. Before he could react, Jimin lets out a choked gasp as the doctor wraps his cold hands around his throat and squeezes it roughly. "Did you enjoy finally wearing a crown, Jimin?" Hoseok's voice wavers down an octave as his eyes widened like a psychopaths. "Did you feel worthy? Tell me Jimin, HOW DOES IT FEEL?!" he laughs as he squeezes Jimin's throat to the point where Jimin began to see stars. 

"D-Daddy don't hurt him. It was all my fault."

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Hoseok snaps viciously with hell burning in his eyes. 

"H-Hoseok..I-I c-c-can't bre-athe..." Jimin begins to feel the room spin around him as Hoseok's hands grip the base of this throat tightly. "H-Hoseok..please..."

"Incompetent whore." Hoseok squeezes Jimin's throat to the point where he feels Jimin's pulse start to slow down. "If you're so willing to wear the crown, then you'll be more than willing to die for it." Fury emulates in his tone as he watches Jimin's eyes roll into the back of his head. At that point the doctor truly snapped, allowing years of pent up anger escape into the clutches of the vice grip he has on Jimin. 

"Daddy stop! PLEASE STOP YOU'RE HURTING HIM!!" Tears stream down poor Kookie's face as he watches Hoseok choke the life out of Jimin. This was never supposed to happen; all he wanted was for his hyung to be happy. Never had he expected Hoseok to react in such a way, then again, he didn't know how important the crown was to Hoseok. 

"Daddy please STOP IT!" Kookie cries out for the doctor but to no avail as he watches Jimin's body shake and turn pale. "STOP IT STOP IT!!" he screams in agony. All this was too much for his poor innocent mind. He couldn't handle this level of stress, he couldn't handle seeing someone being punished. All of this was breaking him and he lets out a scream as he covers his ears, not wanting to see anymore. 

"Stop it..Stop it..." he says over and over, his innocent mind wavering in and out. Kookie felt himself slowly fading away, disappearing into the depths of nothingness. Kookie began to fade away and Jungkook finally takes control and steps in. 

He opens his eyes again, and sees the fury in the doctors eyes and the psychotic smile he adorned as he slowly strangles Jimin. Jungkook then takes one look at the crown on the desk and knew exactly what to do. 


It was as if a switch flipped in his mind, making Hoseok flinch to that name. His grip on Jimin throat loosens, giving Jimin a chance to break free and fall to the ground, gasping for air. "What did you say to me?" he turns to face Jungkook with every nerve in his body clenching all at once. It has been years since he's heard that name. The name that was once used in the past, the name that felt so familiar yet so foreign to him. 

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