-|Sweet Seduction pt.1|-

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Jimin is fucking nervous.

Of course he would be, considering he is currently sitting at the table with Jungkook, (who thankfully had switched back to his normal self), the queen, and Min Yoongi.

Oddly enough Yoongi came by himself, saying Taehyung was too busy dealing with royal contracts and such. Jimin honestly was glad Taehyung wasn't around, he didn't want to reopen old wounds, but it still was odd that Yoongi was even in Busan in the first place.

Yoongi is sitting with his hands folded in front of him, glaring at Hoseok. Jimin didn't understand why Yoongi was glaring at Hoseok, considering all that Hoseok did for him, but that wasn't the main reason why Jimin was so nervous.

The reason was because the doctor switched alters before arriving to dinner, and it was the last person Jimin wanted Yoongi or the queen to see.

"You seem a little tense King Yoongi. I can relieve you of your stress, only if you let me of course." Jay says, throwing a wink at Yoongi and earning a scowl in return from the small king.

Yes, the doctor shifted to Jay, and Jimin was practically on the verge of running out of his seat because he knows once Jay is out, his filter is off and he'll do or say anything that comes to mind.

Jimin doesn't mind it when he's alone with Jay, but they are in the presence of Yoongi and the queen, both having no idea that Hoseok has alters.

Jungkook clears his throat, breaking Jimin out of his torrent of frantic thoughts and gathering everyone's attentions. "So." He says, looking over to his mother, then to Yoongi. "King Yoongi, what business do you have here in Busan? I was not informed of your arrival."

Yoongi shifts his gaze over to Jungkook, the glare in his eyes falters, but only a little. "I was invited by the queen to discuss the plans of our peace treaty." He says.

Jungkook nods, then looks to his mother with a fixed glare. "Mother, I appreciate the help, but I had it all taken care of." He says, looking back over to Yoongi. "I've spoken to King Taehyung about the peace treaty and he already signed it."

Yoongi slowly nods, his expression stoic. Jimin gulps at the uneasy tension fluttering in the air, where as Jay takes a sip of his wine and leans in closer to the table with a looming expression of mischief planted on his face.

"Right, but I had some questions about the treaty, especially with our military dealings." Yoongi says, keeping his tone flat and unreadable.

"If it's about that, we can discuss it later in my office...in private." Jungkook says as he gives his mother a side eye glare, knowing just how nosey she can be. 

The queen smiles at her son and takes a sip of her wine. Momentarily she shifts her gaze to Jimin, glaring at him, before looking over to the doctor with a smug grin. "So, Dr. Jung, I heard you and my son visited the old Jung Manor."

"Mother...that is none of your concern." Jungkook keeps his voice firm, letting his mother know he is not pleased with her.

Jay takes a sip of his wine, nodding to her in reply. He then sets the glass down, licks his lips and plants a steady gaze on her. "I did and that place is a mess. Like damn you couldn't clean it up? You took over it so technically it's your responsibility."

The smug grin on the queens face falters, her jaw visibly clenches and Jimin already feels like running out of there.

Jungkook ends up giggling to Jay's response while Yoongi remains silent as he observes Hoseok's strange behavior.

"Dr. Jung, we already discussed this. I will personally have a team go and renovate the mansion. It will be ready within a month." Says Jungkook as he gives his mother the same smug grin she had on seconds ago.

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