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As they were waiting in front of the school again they saw Hyunsuk and Jihoon. They were bullies of course they couldn't dare to bully Jake and Sunghoon. But they were assholes and everyone hated them.
As Jake and Jungwon watched how they bully another poor guy, Jake went up to them and grabbed them by their collar.
-Why can't you leave the poor guy alone, huh? Don't think you're better than anyone else, you guys are pathetic.-said Jake but the other two just laughed.
-You're funny.-said Hyunsuk, then he and Jihoon just walked away.
-I hate them so much.-said Jake as he went back to Jungwon.
-I know. It's just how they are. By the way, I want to go to karaoke after school, you have time?
-Yes I think so.-smiled Jake. He has been studying so much he really wanted to go and have fun with his friends. -Oh hi.-smiled Jake at Sunghoon and his friends, but they didn't reply.
-Just so you know.-said Jake and he grabbed Sunghoon's arm and looked him in the eyes. -Don't think that I won't pick on you anymore just cause I was tired and angry yesterday.
-That's a relief.-said Sunghoon being really sarcastic then he pushed Jake a bit.
-Jay. Thanks for the homework.-said Jungwon smiling while everyone looked at him suprised.
-No problem.-smiled back Jay and they went inside.
-Why are you texting with Jay?-asked Jake turning to Jungwon. -He's Sunghoon's best friend. And where the hell is Sunoo the bell already rung. I'm gonna beat him I swear.
-Then why are you arguing with Sunghoon all the time? We don't know the answer to that either. And Jay's not bad at all. And yeah, I swear I'm gonna strangle Sunoo if he's late one more time.
As they were having such a nice chat, Sunoo arrived running and they finally went to class.
-Jake late again. Sunoo and Jungwon sit down.-said the teacher.-Jake you have detention after classes.
-Okay.-said Jake and he just sat down. He couldn't care less about detention. At least he's in peace there and his father won't bother him.
After class Jake, Jungwon and Sunoo went out to walk a bit.
-Jake damn it. You're father will be mad.-said Jungwon.
-It's not my fault, it's Sunoo's.-said Jake but he didn't really care whose fault is it.
-I'm sorryyyyy, I promise I won't be late ever again.-smiled Sunoo and the other two smiled too. As they were walking Jake overheard conversations of the students.
"I can't believe Sunghoon. I've never thought he could be like that."
"Yeah, he just beat up that poor boy."
"I'm never going after that boy again, he's a psycho."
-Did he just beat someone? What the fuck? Why would he do that?-asked Jake from himself and they went back to school. There was Sunghoon sitting on a bench while the principal was shouting his head off. Jake looked at Sunghoon and suprisingly Sunghoon looked back. Jake said something that Sunghoon didn't quite get at first, he can't read mouths that well. So Jake said it again.
-The stupidest person to ever exist. -said Jake slowly and then he just pointed then winked at Sunghoon who sighed.
-Maybe I am. That's not an insult.-he whispered to himself.

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