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-You guys can go home now.-said the librarian and Sunghoon ran out immediately.
-What the hell?-asked Jake and he slowly got up from his seat and started packing.
-What's wrong with you two?-asked the librarian from Jake.
-What do you mean? We just simply don't get along.-answered Jake and he sighed.
-It looks like it's more than that but okay whatever you say.
Jake didn't say anything to that he just walked out. He didn't wanna go home. He knew he's gonna just argue with his dad as usual and he was tired to do that. He just wanted to go home and sleep.

-Jay pick up already.-shouted Sunghoon out of anger. He has been calling Jay for an hour since he left school but nothing.
-Finally. Jay why haven't you picked up? It's urgent.-said Sunghoon and he heard Jay whispering. -Is someone there?
-What? Noo.-laughed Jay. -It's just me, alone. No one else. Soo, why did you call me?
-Liar. I have been sitting next to Jake for like three hours and I have to talk to someone about it. I'm going over. So quickly hide the person that's in your room now or tell him to go away right now. Goodbye.-said Sunghoon smiling.-What's Jay hiding again?
Sunghoon walked over to Jay and he went inside.
-Hello.-he shouted and he took off his shoes and his jacket and went upstairs.
-Hiiii Sunghoonie.-smiled Jay but he looked like he's hiding something as usual.
-So is that person already gone?-asked Sunghoon and he sat down on Jay's bed.
-There was no one here. -said Jay but he quickly looked out the window. -So what did you want to talk about?
-About Jake of course. He asked me why I hate him.
-Really? And what did you say?-asked Jay and he sat down next to Sunghoon. Of course Jay knew the real reason why Sunghoon hates Jake.
-That he stole my spotlight and these things. I'm such a jerk, Jay. And I think he hates me even more.
-Well if you say these kind of things then I think it's understandable why he hates you.-laughed Jay but Sunghoon looked at him with his puppy eyes so he quickly stopped smiling.
-Look, just try to be nice, it's not that hard.
-Yeah it is. He's gonna think it's something wrong or I'm weird. Do you have food by the way? I'm starving.-said Sunghoon and Jay went down to make some ramen.
-I'm gonna sleep here, I'm too lazy and tired to go home.-shouted Sunghoon and he got some clothes out of Jay's closet and put those on himself.

-Another detention? Are you nuts?-shouted Jake's father as soon as Jake arrived.
-Yeah. It wasn't my fault, but you wouldn't believe it either way. -said Jake and he wanted to go upstairs but his father stopped him.
-Then whose fault was it?
-Stop being friends with him. And Jungwon too.
-No. -said Jake simply which made his father angry.
-Don't talk back to me! How dare you? You're grades are shit and you're always in trouble, how can you be such a headache?-asked his father standing in front of Jake just shouting his head off as usual.
-Are you done? I'm going up.-said Jake and he ran up. Of course his father wanted to stop him but he couldn't.
-You're gonna regret this so much.-shouted his father, while Jake shut the door. He layed down on his bed and started crying. He should have been used to being shout at, why does he cry everytime? He hated it, he hated being weak.
-Oh hi Layla.-said Jake sobbing when he saw his dog jumped up next to him. -I love you so much you know?
He knew he was crazy, he was talking to his dog. But at home his dog was the only one who was there for him everytime. So he started sleeping while hugging Layla.

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