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After that night at Niki's, Jake was sad and confused. He was sad cause he obviously hurt Sunghoon, and he was confused cause he didn't know he's caring about that... It's just Sunghoon, why does he care? And Sunghoon was mad and disappointed. He was mad at himself cause why was he trying with Jake all this time? It's obvious Jake doesn't like him, it was just pathetic. And he was disappointed in Jake a bit... The others tried to do something, Jungwon even invited Sunghoon once to his house to talk but Jake just locked himself in the bathroom and said he's showering... for hours. Jake had a lot of problems already, he didn't want more.

Today was just another day. Sunoo, Jungwon and Jake went to school. Jungwon and Jake silently listetning Sunoo who's talking about Niki nonstop.
-And yesterday we played his favourite game and he was so adorable I almost fainted.
-Why? Why are you guys not together already?-asked Jungwon sighing. It's been weeks, they had enough of Sunoo's talking.
-I haven't had the courage to tell him I like him. I'm just taking it slow.-smiled Sunoo and the other two just groaned.
-Anyway, when will you have another lesson with Sunghoon again? I mean I get that you guys mad or i don't know, but you have to get better grades in math and you promised him to tutor him in english.-turned Jungwon to Jake and Sunoo finally stopped talking and he was listening to them.
-I have to work a lot. I just want to get money to live on my own. That's my first goal at the moment. -said Jake. He knew he has to study a lot but he didn't have time for it at the moment and of course he didn't wanna be alone with Sunghoon.
When they arrived to the school, Jay, Niki, Heeseung and Sunghoon was waiting for them.
-Jungwon.-shouted Jay and he hugged Jungwon.
-Good morning.-smiled Niki and Sunoo smiled back.
-Jake.-said Sunghoon and Jake slowly turned to him.-Can we talk after school? Please.
-Yeah. Of course.-said Jake but in reality he just wanted to say: "No no no no please no..."

The whole day Jake was so nervous. After a few weeks Sunghoon now suddenly wants to talk to him alone... Why? He didn't even know what to say to him.
-Be brave Jake.-said Jungwon.-Don't be a loser, okay?
-Yeah, just say what you think, don't complicate things.-said Sunoo from his other side.
-Me? I would never complicate things... on purpose. Okay okay, I'll be telling the truth, at least I'll try. It's just I don't even know...-said Jake but he saw how the guys already went to their loved ones and started being sweet with them.
-How can they do that all the time? -said Jake to himself then suddenly Sunghoon stopped in front of him.
-So? Are you coming with me?
Jake felt intimidated a bit but he nodded.

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