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It has been two days since Jake wasn't living at home. He packed his most inportant stuffs and Layla and he went to live at Jungwon's for a while. It has been good but he can't live like this, he has to buy a house for himself. The only problem was that he didn't have any money.
-Jungwon, help me.-said Jake lying on Jungwon's bed. He got a room for himself but he was always at Jungwon's room.-What should I do?
-You said you want to have money, right? Then just find part time job.-said Jungwon while he was sitting at his desk studying something.
-That's not a bad idea. -said Jake smiling.-Okay I will. But still what should I do about Sunghoon and my so called dad?
-We already talked about it. You just don't tell anything to Sunghoon that's it. And about your dad, don't worry. He'll never found out where are you, okay? And if he will, we're just gonna call the police.
-We tried that once, remember?-asked Jake and sighed. -That didn't go well.
-Okay but this time we have normal proof, right?
-Well yeah I think so.-said Jake then he got up suddenly.-I'll go and find a part time job. Bye Jungwon.
-Bye?-said Jungwon confused.

So Jake went out and walked around the mall. There has to be shop or a restaurant that needs part time workers, he's been wondering for an hour now and still hasn't found anything.
-Maybe I should go somewhere else.-he said to himself. As he continued walking he saw Sunghoon, Jay, Heeseung and Niki walking to him. -Oh hell no. Fuck no. No no no.
He ran into one of the shops and hide under something.
-Excuse me Sir. Is everything okay?-asked the worker after he saw Jake hiding.
-Yeah I am. Sorry, I'll go away in just a minute.-he whispered. Then he saw Sunghoon and the others walk away to the other directions. -Huh, it would've been bad. Excuse me?-he asked the worker.-Don't you need a part time worker? Cause I've been looking in the whole mall and I didn't see any.
-Well we don't.-said the worker.-But you wouldn't be a burden, so yeah, why not?
-Wait really?-asked Jake and he looked around at what kind of shop he's in. It's a ice cream shop. That's cute.
-Well yeah. If you want to, you can work here part time. Just fill out this application and give it to me.
-When can I start?-asked Jake as he found a pen and started writing immediately.
-Tomorrow. 4pm. Is that okay?
-Yes. And what's your name?-asked Jake looking up. Maybe he'll be friends with him later on.
-Oh, my name is Junkyu.-smiled the boy.
-I'm Jake.-smiled Jake too. He quickly filled out and the paper and gave it to Junkyu. -I'm gonna be here by 4pm tomorrow. Bye.-he said then he waved and he rushed home. Well to Jungwon's.
As he was walking he got a message. It was from Sunghoon. What? Why does he know his number?
PS: Hi Jake. Could we talk?
JS: How do you know my number?
PS: Jungwon. So? Please.
JS: Sure okay... where?
PS: In front of your house?
JS: No. Meet at Jungwon's okay? I'll be there in 10 minutes.
PS: Okay.
Jake panicked. He didn't want to talk with Sunghoon, especially not after what happened at Jay's. But he can't just say no, then Sunghoon will probably think that something is wrong. He just has to act like nothing happened and he hoped Sunghoon wants to talk about something else.

He was in front of Jungwon's when he saw Sunghoon getting closer to him.
-Okay don't panic. He doesn't remember anything.-said Jake whispering.-Hi.
-Hi. -smiled Sunghoon.-Where should we go?
-I don't care, wherever you wanna go.-said Jake still panicking.
-Let's drink coffee then. -said Sunghoon and they started walking.
-So how are you?-asked Jake to ease the tension he's creating. He's just week bitch, jesus. Jake, get your shit together. Yeah he talks to himself... but who doesn't?
-I'm fine just a bit tired. I've studied so much english today, I feel like my head will explode.-said Sunghoon and Jake just smiled. He's the same only with math.-And you?
-I've been looking for part time jobs today.-Jake sighed.
-What? Why?-asked Sunghoon suprised. He thought Jake's family is really rich.
-It's a long story. We're here.-smiled Jake tiredly and they went inside. Sunghoon felt that Jake's a bit off today, but maybe because they just started being friends and Jake needs some time to get use to Sunghoon.
-By the way what did you wanna talk about?-asked Jake after they finally got their coffee.
-What do you mean?
-You texted me because you wanted to talk, remember?-asks Jake. Then he mentally slapped himself. Why did he make him remember to talk? Noo, that's the opposite of what he wants dammit.
-Oh yeah. Look. -started Sunghoon and Jake felt how his hands are getting sweaty. -I remember what happened at the party. Maybe you don't so I'm asking that first. Do you remember what happened exactly?
Jake started panicking. 'What the fuck what the fuck. What should I say? Should I say I rememer or that I don't? Which one is worse? Ahh what the hell....'-he thought.
-Jake?-asked Sunghoon looking Jake's much closer than before.
-Oh yeah I-I don't remember. Why? What happened?-asked Jake. He prayed that Sunghoon'll just drop it, there's no point in saying it. Just forget it please.
-Well...you and Heeseung made out. So he asked me to talk to you cause he's embarrassed.-said Sunghoon and Jake couldn't believe it.
-Wait what?-he asked suprised.

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