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-You bitch.-shouted Sunoo.-I can't believe you haven't told us sooner.-then he started beating Jungwon. Jake was still shocked so he was just standing there watching his best friends beat each other.
-I mean, how, when, why...-asked Jake.
-I don't know, we just started texting a while back then we met up a lot in secret. Because back then you hated Sunghoon and well he was Sunghoon's best friends.-laughed Jungwon slightly. -So we became good friends blah blah blah then he asked me out on a date and since then we are dating. Nothing special.-said Jungwon but the other were still in shock.
-But you still haven't told us you bitcchh.-shouted Sunoo again and he started hitting Jungwon.-You know how much I love drama.
-Yeah, and me and Sunghoon has been "friends" for a while now. You could've told us sooner we're your best friend.-said Jake and the other two looked at him suspiciously.
-Ohh so you and Sunghoon are friends, right?-Sunoo suddenly stood next to Jake.
-Yeah we are. Kinda.-whispered Jake the last word.
-They are gonne get together.-said Sunoo to Jungwon.-Let's say.... next week.
-No. Jake's a pussy, it's gonne be more than one week.-said Jungwon and Jake couldn't even say anything. How did the topic change to him and Sunghoon this quickly?
-Yeah he is but...-continued Sunoo but Jake stopped him.
-Guys, I don't like Sunghoon, just stop it already.-said Jake but the other two just laughed at him.
-Funny joke.
-I hate you guys.-said Jake and he started fast walking to school.

When they arrived Jungwon ran to Jay and hugged him.
-Ahww.-said Sunoo loudly.
-I know they are adorable.-smiled Heeseung.
-I think we would be adorable too.-smiled Sunghoon at Jake.
-You are unbelievable.-said Jake and then he just walked to class.
-I know.-shouted Sunghoon back.
-When is gonna be your next tutoring with Jake?-asked Sunoo as they walked inside.
-This thursday. It can't come fast enought.-smiled Sunghoon.
-By the way don't worry Sunghoon.-said Jungwon tapping his shoulder.-He's gonna fall in love with you sooner or later.
-Thanks.-laughed Sunghoon.
As they walked into the classroom Niki stopped in front of them.
-Hi guys.-he smiled brightly.
-Hiii.-smiled back Sunoo.
-I just want to invite you guys to my house. You know, just a get together.-he smiled and Sunoo almost fainted.
-Yes of course.-he said standing next to Niki.-When and where?
-I'll text you guys.-said Niki and he winked at Sunoo.
-Did you see that?-asked Sunoo jumping around after Niki walked away.
-What?-said Jungwon.
-He winked at me. Niki freaking winked at me. Ahhhhh.-he shouted and he jumped around Jake.
-Ah this kis.-shaked Jungwon his head.

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