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-He didn't reject me. He didn't reject me.-sang Sunghoon while talking on the phone with Jay and Heeseung.
-It sounds like he only said it cause he wanted you to stop asking question.-said Jay while yawning.
-You're mean.-pouted Sunghoon.
-I think he really meant it.-said Heeseung while eating something as usual.
-Really?-asked Sunghoon completely shutting out Jay.
-Yes, of course, why wouldn't he?-asked Heeseung and Sunghoon became really happy.
-And he said he's gonna tutor me, cause you know I'm so bad at English. -said Sunghoon with exitment in his voice. He was really looking forward to next week.
-Really? Oh god that's so amazing.-said Heeseung and Jay was just talking some bullshit that they couldn't hear.
-Now I'll go and be happy.-said Sunghoon and with that he hang up his phone.
-But what was that with that man? I really want to know what happened.-he said lying down on his bed. -I'm so curious about him and he doesn't say anything damn you Jake.
Then Sunghoon suddenly sat up and started texting to Jungwon and Sunoo.
"Hello guys.... Could you tell me what are the things that Jake likes?"
"Oh... what for?" asked Sunoo.
"I just want to do nice things for him. He looks sadly lately." texted Sunghoon and as he texted it he pouted again. He liked seeing Jake smile and laugh, it was one of the most beautiful thing Sunghoon has ever seen.
"Well he likes chocolate a lot. He likes steak too and he loves his dog."
"Oh okay, thank you."
Okay, so he can't give him steak cause that would just be weird and he can't do anything about Jake's dog, so chocolate is the best thing he can gave him right now.

The next morning as Sunghoon was going to school he quickly bought chocolate in the shop near the school. There were little hearts on them, it looked really cute. He was standing in front of school where usally Jake and Jungwon is waiting for Sunoo. He finally saw the trio walking towards him.
As Jake noticed him he wanted to avoid him but Sunghoon stood in front of him.
-Good morning to you too Jake.-smiled Sunghoon.
-Hi.-said Jake and Jungwon and Sunoo smiled at him.
-I just wanted to tell you that smile really suits you so please, laugh more.-said Sunghoon then he gave Jake the chocolate. -Have a nice day.
-What. The. Hell. That is so adorable.-said Sunoo jumping after Sunghoon walked away.
-I know. Ugh.-said Jake but inside he couldn't stop smiling. Why is Sunghoon doing this? Ahh, it's not good for his heart. Why is he so cute? Noo.
-I think it's cute, he just wants you to be happy Jake. -smiled Jungwon at Jake and patted him then they started walking inside.
As they went into the classroom, Jay signaled Jungwon to look at his phone. The two has been texting a bit more than the others, so they became close, but they didn't wanna show it. Jungwon looked at his phone and Jay texted him: "Hey, so when can we meet after school?"
"Like 4 o'clock? Jake's not home at that time so yeah.
"Oh okay:)) And where should we go?"
"You decide."

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