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-Oh my god, is that the new student? He's so hot.
-I heard his from Japan.
-Why is he so cute?
Jungwon and Sunoo were listening all these conversation from different students.
-Why did you came so early? It's so unlike you.
-I felt bad after Jake had to go to detention cause of me. So I will never be late again.-said Sunoo smiling and Jungwon felt proud.
-By the way where's Jake? He always here 10 minutes before class.
-I don't know. Maybe he's sick or something.
The bell rang and they went inside, Jake haven't texted them anything.
-So class, you have a new classmate from now on. Please introduce yourself.-said the teacher and everyone looked at the boy.
-Hi I'm Nishimura Riki but call me Niki. I'm from Japan. I hope we'll be friends.-said the boy smiling.
-Thank you, please sit next to Sunoo. -said the teacher and he pointed to Sunoo. Niki walked slowly over him and sat down.
-Hi.-he said smiling.
-Hey.-smiled Sunoo back.
-Will you help me? I don't speak Korean that well.
-Of course. Tell me if you don't understand something I'll try to help.-said Sunoo even though he didn't know japanese.
-Oh my god Jungwon.-said Sunoo whispering to his friend.-He look so beautiful, I feel like my heart is melting everytime I look at him. Help me.
-You're crazy.-laughed Jungwon and at that moment the door opened and a zombie Jake came inside.
-I'm not even gonna say anything. -said the teacher who had to stop writing on the board cause of this. -Sit down Jaeyun.
Jake slowly sat down but he almost fell. He felt like his muscles are giving up on him. Sunghoon who was sitting next to him, quickly get up and hold him by his hand.
-Are you okay?-whispered Sunghoon but Jake just pulled his hand out out of Sunghoon's grasp and sat down. Jungwon and Sunoo were just looking at him and had no idea what's his problem.
After class the three of them went their secret place.
-Jake is everything okay? -asked Jungwon after helping Jake sit down.
-No not really. My father has been acting like a psychopath again.
-Why didn't you tell us something jesus Jake.-said Sunoo and he was getting angry. Him and Jungwon knew all about Jake's father and how he's been treating Jake.
-I-I just don't wanna talk about it right now. Can we please talk about something else?-asked Jake and sighed. Jungwon and Sunoo saw how he's at the verge of crying so they changed the subject.
-By the way, there's a new student in our class and Sunoo has a crush on him.-said Jungwon and Sunoo slapped him.
-No I don't.
-Who's he? Is he good looking? Have you talked to him yet?-asked Jake getting excited. It was really cute and weird how he went from almost crying to smiling.
-Well a bit. He's sitting next to me. He's from Japan so he doesn't know korean that well, but I said I'll help him.-said Sunoo and he blushed.
-Ahhwww you're so cute.-said Jungwon and he cringed.
-Let's get to know him.-said Jake and he stood up and the other two followed him. He wanted to do something nice for his friends so he wanted Sunoo to get close to this boy.
-Where's him?-asked Jungwon. They went into the classroom, but Niki was nowhere.
-Maybe he's eating.-said Sunoo and then they went to the cafeteria.
-Oh yeah he's there.-smiled Jungwon pointing at Niki but then he saw who he's talking to. Sunghoon and his friends.
-Damn it. No no noooo. I'm late guys. I'm lateee.-said Sunoo panicking and of course overreacting.
-No, that doesn't mean anything, okay?-said Jake trying to cheer his friend up.
-Yeah they are just talking.-said Jungwon too.
-But what if they say something bad about me? They hate me so why wouldn't they? And Niki will hate mee.-said Sunoo and he fell into Jake's arms.
-Don't overreact. If they say something bad about you I'm gonna beat them up so don't worry.-winked Jake playfully at Sunoo who got out of Jake's arm.
-Yeah okay. I'm not gonna whine anymore. It's only the first day I have nothing to worry about.-said Sunoo and suddenly all of Sunghoon's gang looked at them.
-What the fuck?-asked Jake angrily and he was ready to go there and hit them but Jungwon grabbed him.
Sunghoon was still looking at Jake and Jake could swear that Sunghoon looked worried.
-What the fuck is his problem?-asked Jake whispering to himself when they were walking back to the classroom.

Let's pretend they are all the same age xd

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