Chapter 35

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After my argument with Demi everything got out of control but fun for me at least. Justin got off the stage all hyped up from the sexy dancing he had to do so we had a really hot make-out session in his dressing room. After that though we had to go back to the arena where we sat, just friends, attempting to enjoy the show. When the show ended everything was fast paced. I barely had time to think as Justin led me down hallways to get out of the building while other people were leading him.

The army security rushed us through a back exit before the show officially ended so it was quick escape. The limo was already there so when we walk through the back door we got in before any fans could say anything. If either one of us did have time to think about what was happening stopping to talk to the fans was the last on our minds.

Thank god for tinted windows though because we got it on! Our clothes were off in a matter of minutes and we climaxed in less than 10. It started with us making out then he moved to my neck and we got busy. I don't know what has gotten into Justin but whatever it is, I like it. He seems so happy and actually social. Not that he doesn't talk and is quiet, but he has more of an obnoxious middle school way about him. Now he's talking like a grown man and I can see a drive in him to do good things. I like him.

It was ruined when he did drugs. Although there was a part of me the whole night that had urges to use, I was fine not using. Justin on the other hand, right when we were done got out a baggie of coke. Not wanting to ruin his night since I was technically here to support him, I went along with it. I guess this is where we are so different. I can see the difference in him when he's clean because he changes when he gets high.

Although, I'm sure Justin and the others around me could say the same thing. Not the Lovato or De la Garza family obviously because they didn't realize I was using at all, but I'm sure both Justin and I in general can see a difference even if we refuse to admit it. We were hyped up and did a few vodka shots. We got to the party and we were ready to turn up. When we got in it was a slow dance though, and it took some convincing but he went onto the dance floor. I put my head on his chest awkwardly because I'm an inch taller than him and he had his hands on my ass as we danced.

Right when the song was finishing I saw Wilmer and Demi dancing as well. Who knew those two would be at a party, never mind when she is eight months pregnant. We eyed each other uncomfortably for a bit as faster songs came on. Justin and my coke finally kicked in though so we were dancing like crazy people.

Eventually a salsa type, Pitbull song came on and we were doing something called a Merengue. We basically moved our legs together, and eventually he turned me and it turned into grinding. This then turned into making out. When he started groping my vagina was when Wilmer came over.

"I'm not trying to start any trouble but you're making a couple of people uncomfortable. So if you could not be groping in the middle of the dance floor I would appreciate it."

I roll my eyes and shove Justin's head on my boobs, knowing what to do he begins motor boating me. I learned how to do that on a TV show. With that though Wilmer gets angrier and pulls us both into a bathroom. Demi follows him and it's just really pissing me off. Why do they keep insisting on invading into my life? I clearly don't want them around.

I say, "What are you doing?"

Wilmer says, "Trying to keep you from making a huge mistake."

Justin replies, "You trying to say something bro?"

"He is not your bro and yes. You have made her into something she is not. You did it to Selena and now you're doing it to Jessy," Demi says aggravated. "We're not going to let you do this to her because she deserves better! We don't want to see her ruin her life!"

Justin responds, "You really don't know how we met do you?" my face goes blank, oh shit. Is he really going to tell them? Do they already know? Has Dianna told them anything? Either way, they'll know now. "Well at your wedding, Jessy asked me if I had any drugs. I in return gave her some molly. She is the one the next day that randomly met up with me, and asked if I had anything strong in the hotel room because she forgot her coke in the bridal sweet. Jessy is the one who wanted to hook up. Jessy was having fun a long time before I ever came around."

Demi and Wilmer look at me with disbelief. Demi says, "Jessy is this the truth? Is that how you met him?" I take a gulp and nod, "Yeah, that's what happened."

Demi replies with more questions, "Why are you doing this to yourself? Why would you put yourself through all this?"

Something inside of me snapped. "Demi stop being such a god dam hypocrite! We all know that you had less of an eating disorder than a drug addiction. At my age you were doing so much worse so why are you here judging and yelling at me for doing the same things you've done before? Does that really make sense to you at all?"

"That's not fair!"

"Well wanna know what? I'm tired of all of your bullshit because it is not fair to me! I finally have control over my own life instead of everybody trying to make decisions for me!"

Wilmer replies, "I don't even know who you are anymore. What happened to you?"

I turn to him, "Don't even try to tell me Justin is bad for me when you're the one with a way more inappropriate relationship than me. I can give consent, Demi couldn't you were practically raping her. You are a sick pedophile. Did it make you feel good banging someone that you were old enough to be their uncle? Or did it just happen because you wanted to use someone to get your crappy career restarted?"

Wilmer was about to say something when Justin stepped in, "I have plenty of shit on you two. Demi you were a drug addict way after you put on your sober is sexy act. Hell I know you went to rehab after both seasons of X Factor. I also know that Wilmer is as faithful as a squirrel. Your marriage is a joke and your baby is gonna be a fucked up little shit. At least Dallas has a reason for having a kid that's retarted. Yours will be all your fault."

With that Wilmer went at him. I was a little shocked never seeing him an ounce upset before. Demi yelled at me, "Help me get them off of each other! Come on!"

I was paralyzed though. I didn't know what to do. How could Demi and I possibly manage to pull them away from each other anyway? They're way too angry to listen to us. Soon however security had come in, I guess they heard all the commotion, and dragged Justin who managed to get on top of Wilmer out of the room and out back. Wilmer had a bloody nose and I assumed knocked out tooth seeing the blood that he spat out.

Demi asks, "Can you help me clean him up? There's blood everywhere."

I was still paralyzed though and I wasn't in the right mindset to help. When my brain was thinking enough I fled instead. I ran after Justin for whatever reason to see if he was okay. He did stick up for me after all. He stood by me when both Demi and Wilmer were yelling at me. That does mean something. As I ran to find where they took him away I came to the realization that nothing would ever be the same again. After everything I've been through, after everything they said, and after everything I've said, we can't go back now. Everything has changed and it seems that I have made my choice. Nothing will ever be the same.

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