Chapter 1

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Jessy's POV

Why am I so angry? I should be grateful I am alive! I guess I'm trying to get used to all the changes and grief in my life. My parents are dead, Jessie graduated high school, and my brother is in his second year of college. How did this happen? Demi is a few months pregnant and Dallas is about to pop any minute. The last two years have been a lie in my mind and I can't remember the truth.

I have this choice to make, and I'm having a hard time deciding. Should I continue my career, or should I go home until I can figure things out? I'd be living with my grandmother; this wouldn't be a problem except for the fact that she doesn't want me.My body aches all the time, seeing I'm in physical therapy two or three times a day. Apparently it's hard to regain muscle strength when you had none to begin with. Who would've known I'd be in a rehabilitation center for actual body rehabilitation. I like Monique though, she's my main nurse. She's really nice.I'm in actual therapy every couple of days. The amount of pain I felt a few years ago, feels like nothing compared to now. Apparently it's normal to be frustrated. I'm so tired of trying. I think my biggest problem is: I'm homesick.

All I want is to sleep in my own bed and cuddle with my blankets. I want to walk in a room and get that smell of Yankee candles and smoke. I want to still be able to sing at the top of my lungs, and be as off key as I want. I want to be able to go outside and feel the woodsy breeze. I want to be able to get yelled at for stealing my dad's pens or having a stuffed animal thrown at me by my brother. I want to give my grandmother a kiss and my mother a huge bear hug.I want to be nagged by my parents to do better, and have hysterical heart to hearts with my brother. I want to be able to play with my dog and bother my cat. I want to have Jessie be a five minute walk away, and am on the school bus for an hour. I miss being yelled at to go back to class, and I miss being at school. I miss cracking jokes with my teachers, and the on-going rivalries with the other theater kids. The De La Garza's have been great, I just wish I could go back home. Even if it's just for a few days, just to get that New England summer. I love the way the sand feels on my feet at the ocean, and the sunshine shining bright on my face. The De La Garza's are incredible, but nothing compares to being home.

My brother would come visit but he has this great internship with a Chinese guy, who is a senior graduate professor for his major. He is going for computer engineering and is majorly successful. Who knew my, at times slacker, brother would actually be such a successful star... at least in the science world. He is working on a patent that is sure to be amazing.

Everyone visits me as much as they can, it's tough though, since everyone is in fact busy. Madison is a freshman in high school this year so she's been living it up, Eddie and Dianna have signed a superstar that blew up on the charts, and Demi is on tour again. I heard her fifth album, so much better! It had the R&B vocals of Unbroken, the emotions of DEMI, and rock-edgy chic of her first two. As I hear, she's going to be up for a Grammy. Everything is going great for them.Oddly enough, I think Dallas is here most often. She's here right now, and she's so cute online shopping for baby clothes. I have a feeling it's going to be one cute baby.

"I don't wanna interrupt shopping, but I wanna know: how did you and Nick end up getting together?"

Dallas smiles and says, "Oh, yay I love telling this story! In 2014 Rob and I broke up. It wasn't working because I wanted to get serious, and I knew he didn't and probably never would be ready to have kids. I'm from Texas, and my career path was the occasional voice over and studio. Then, when Demi did a side project with Nick, she started bringing him around more. Their friendship was never as epic as the media and tabloids made it seem. They were more acquaintances with a connection if that makes sense."

I nod, it is kind of of ridiculous how I'd go on Tumblr and that was all I saw. I don't even think they would work after meeting them both.

"Then they became closer, and I started hanging with Nick outside of hanging with him and Demi. We started dating in June of 2014, engaged December 2014, and then we got married on January 22nd."

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