Chapter 10

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I get a little shaky. I don't like that word, I think it's so over rated.

"Well I honestly think of it as this: I have four and seven year old cousins. I want them to be able to look up at me and not only see that I am successful, but that I can live my life happy and healthy. I think overall any person that's in the public eye has to keep it appropriate because of the fact that there are younger people watching, even older ones."

"That's good, I mean you don't wanna become like Justin Bieber."

I laugh, "Definitely not! One second he was Hollywood's angel and now nowhere. All of those people that once looked up to him are either crushed or are like it's okay to do drugs, let me!"

"This has been so much honestly; it's a breath of fresh air talking to you. You are so nice and so honest and polite."

"Thank you, I try. I never want to become something I'm not."

"That's a good way to look at it. Now we are running out of time so we are gonna do the fast five. We are all gonna give you a question with two choices and pick you one!"

I nod, "Alright let's go."

"Toothpaste or Deodorant?"

I laugh, "Um, toothpaste. Deodorant can just be covered up with perfume if you spray enough."

"Smart, now Robbie it is time for your question."

"Alright, beach or pool?"

"I am from this great ocean state. Beach, duh!"

"That was a stupid question, I told you guys. Now it's going to Davey."

"Okay so if you had to choose back in time or into the future, which would you go for?"

"That's actually really hard for me. I normally say don't worry about the past because it is in the past but I have lost a lot of people so probably past then I can spend more time with them."

"That is a good philosophy but we are all sorry for your loss. Now to Barbie."

"Twitter or Instagram?"

"Oh god, I'm still a Facebook person myself. I mean what is the point of just posting a picture or just sending out 140 characters? Probably Instagram because of the way the app works."

"I get that. Now back to Karen."

"What were your teen idols: Nick Jonas or Demi Lovato?"

"Oooo that is a hard one. Nick's gonna kill me but I gotta say Demi, she took me on stage the other night."

"Alright so we have run out of time, I just wanted to say it has been really nice to see you completely transform these past few years from what was a teenager to what seems like a young adult."

Karen adds, "We also wanted to thank you for faking remembering us whenever you see us."

"Oh please, 92 PRO FM will always be my favorite station. You guys will always be celebrities to me."

"Aw that is so sweet! Thank you for spending some time with us, and also thank you always being a friend to the show. We are hosts from 92 Pro Fm, at the Colloseum Theater with the Jessy Rouleau. Thanks Jessy."

After I say my good bye to the crew and I go upstairs and say hello to Dr. Skeleton.

"Hello Jessy."

"Hi Dr. Skeleton."

"Are you ready? Thank you for coming."

I nod, "Thank you for having me and ready as I'll ever be."

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