Chapter 12

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The next twelve hours were a big old blur for me to be honest. I don't open my eyes because my head is pounding worse than ever before and my stomach is kind of nauseous.

After I finished my tears of remembrance and grief fest I went to Sondra's house. Her, Caleb, and I hung out for a bit. After a while I realized I didn't have any clothes appropriate for a bar, and Sondra is also a little short thing so Collins came early, bringing me some choices. I wore an Aztecan tank top, short shorts, and black flip flops; shocking. Sondra also gave me some curls and a smoky eye.

As much as a pain in the ass it is to move around, it is doing my body wonders. I bought this shirt back in eighth grade and it's always been one of my favorites. Back then I would never wear it without another tank top underneath, because it is a tie and doesn't go up all the way; but now I am confident. Goodbye baby fat, hello woman-hood! I am happy I got to miss out on that awkward part.

Anyways, we end up going to the Tavern around seven for the glorious New England dinner experience first. You know what I'm talking about; lobsters and steamers. When I get there I expect to have to stay under the radar at first before my people come. Instead of hearing the light rock music, and smelling the smoke of cigarettes on the side of the restaurant, I hear almost silence.

What the fuck? Why can't I just have a normal homecoming? I walk up the ramp and through the door. I look at the bartender across the room and see him smiling at me graciously. Well that's normal. Hesitantly I keep walking until everyone pops up. I don't mean exactly hiding but they just all came at once. I saw some of the older people I worked with for La Cage.In my dream, at least that was real.

There was Ashlyn who was the director, that is hysterical. Braydon, who was the stage manager, that ended up taking over the role of the stage manager in the actual show. The bitchy ass musical director Bryne, I remember her more clearly now. She wasn't a nice person. There were also a lot of the drag queens and other cast members. I say hi each of them congratulating and hugging me.

Also there were my parents' friends. There were Kyle and Danny who I have to say, were my parents best of friends. They lived a few roads off of us and were basically over two or three times a week. I go up to them and Danny gives me a big warm hug saying, "Hey Jessy! How are you doing?"

I smile and say, "Awesome. Glad to be around with some familiar faces."

She laughs and says, "I bet!"

Kyle then interjects, "Is your brother around somewhere?"

I laugh knowing he's just busting my ass.Then there was Jeffrey, an older gay man that also lived a couple of streets away, just the other way. I give him a quick hug and a high five.

"Well hello there Miss. Jessy. Aren't you the woman of the hour?"

I give him a playful look and shake my head.

"So when am I getting the pool table?"

"I don't know. When are you getting me my big LA penthouse by the beach?"

I laugh hard; he and I always had this joke about me having his pool table because he never used it and I always wanted to learn to play good. I see Jeff who is the definition of an artist. He is out there. I sometimes refer to him as the vampire though because he is ridiculously skinny, and one year at my parent's Christmas party there was a photo of him red eyes. Stupid, I know.

I say hi to Derek and Bobby next. Derek is Kyle's older brother by a year and a half, and Bobby is his wife. Derek is probably the most animated man I will ever meet; always saying what is on his mind, and enthusiastic too. Both of them are. When I worked at my summer camp for a bit they were my bosses because Derek is the ranger and they run the place. I don't think I'll ever have a better work experience.

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