Chapter 3

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After the majority leaves, I sigh in relief. The only people left other than Eddie, Dianna, and Maddie are Demi and Wilmer, Dallas and Nick, and my three goons.

Everyone is sitting by the fire. Right now, on my left is my grandmother who is next to Dianna, who is next to Eddie, who is next to Demi, who is next to Wilmer, who is next to Nick, who is next to Dallas, who is next to Maddie, who is next to Justin, who is next to Jessie, who is on my right. After making the mental note, I stand up with my soda bottle.

"Although I am sure all of the people here love and support me, as of now, you are the only ones since getting out of my coma that have truly have had my back. To my family back east, we went through a tough loss and I'm sure it'll never be the same but it's time for me to spread my wings and fly. Now to my west coast family, thank you for taking me in. You have shown me nothing but kindness and that's all I could ask so thank you. I know I won't be the most quiet house guest but I promise to be respectful and as helpful as possible. Love you all!"

They all stand up and we clink our drinks around.

Maddie says, "That was really sweet Jessy. I am excited, I'm not the only kid left in the house with these two crazies!"

Eddie rolls his eyes, and Dianna winks at me, "We are glad to have you."

Justin gets up and says, "Now that you've brought that up, Jessie and I have an announcement."

Maddie spills out, "Oh god, please say you're not pregnant."

I burst out in laughter, but quickly stop out of curiosity about what he's about to tell us. I look to my older brother. Four months away from turning 20, and he looks better than ever. His once acne-ruled face cleared up and all his baby fat has gone away. His hair used to resemble Harry Potter's, with more grease, but now it is styled and no longer a mop. His chest is slightly chiseled with muscles, and overall he is skinny yet bulky.

Before we were about the same height, and now he has a few inches over me. His style before was a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. Although he still has the same t-shirt as I saw him last he's wearing cargo shorts, something I thought I would never see. His glasses are no longer nerdy glasses you would expect your father or grandparent to be wearing, but rather a pair of hipster chic glasses.

After I quickly admire him again, he begins, "As some of you know, my summer internship has yet again ended with my lovely professor. What only my grandmother knows though, with my works I have been invited to attend multiple other schools. I have chosen overall to attend Stanford University, only making it a couple of hour drive away."

My jaw drops and I run literally into his arms. Thank god for his new physical shape or else I would be on the ground. As much as he's not a big talker, I literally could not imagine being that far away from him.

Everyone claps for us.

Demi says, "If you want to do it quicker, you can always use the jet."

I look at her mysteriously, "You have a private jet?"

Demi nods and laughs, "If you count having to ask to borrow it."

I shake my head amusingly. Jessie stands up next. This girl doesn't look that different but before you got that cute little girl vibe from her. Now though, I see a beautiful mature woman.

"Jess, you always told me to go somewhere warm and busy. I went down to Florida last summer, and it was too hot and kind of slow. So Jessy, I'm going to school at USC!"

My jaw drops again and I go over to her, throwing my arms around her. This day could not get any better. Everything is falling into place which is more than awesome. The more they say, the more I freak out.

"What are you majoring in?"

She smiles, "Communications and biology. You were right about medical school being too stressful so I thought I would try pre-med with something to back it up."

I give her thumbs up, and hug her again.

Nick says, "You guys look like a happy little family."

I nod and put my arms around both of my siblings and usher for my grandmother to come over. We take a picture and I have happy tears in my eyes. Soon after, it became midnight and everyone went to their rooms. Right now Dianna and Eddie are in their room, Maddie is sleeping on a blow up mattress on their floor, and Jessie is staying with me until school starts.

It is kind of sad to think that when I go back home to visit she won't be there but whatever. She's going to go live in the dorm which makes me worried for her. She doesn't have much real-world experience but she's smart and likable so I'm sure she will be fine. Dallas and Nick are sleeping in Dallas' old room, and Demi and Wilmer are sleeping in Demi's old room. My grandmother is sleeping in Maddie's room with Justin on the floor. Comfy families aren't we?

It's only temporary until Sunday then I'm going to go back with my grandmother to visit people before the school year starts. I'm excited to see my dad's younger sister's kids. I can't believe Jimmy starts Kindergarten next year, and Ana is almost seven. Apparently they held back a year because her birthday is kind of late, I guess she inherited the Rouleau brain though because she skipped a grade and is now going into second where she belongs.

A year ago my other cousin Jack was a year out of high school with no job or car, living on my aunt and uncle's couch. Now he's in the army, whoa. I miss him but it's really good he's doing something with his life. I respect the hell out of him for serving our country.

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