[!!!] Bonus chapter :)

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Thank you @storm1202 for this idea !! :)


It wasn't Akaashi's intentions to be carried away by his feelings. 

His original plan was to only confess to you how he really felt about you even after 7 years. 

But because of how easily you'd accepted his feelings, he ended up proposing to you with a toy ring. However, seeing you happy brought him complete joy - one he can't even explain. 

Now here you two were, walking with your arms linked together, and hearts connected, just like before. The cold winter breeze swept through Tokyo as the now fiancé of Akaashi held tightly onto his arm. 

"Keiji," Even by just saying his name, your heart would skip a beat. You never thought that, considering everything you've been through, Akaashi would still love you and see you as someone worthy enough to love, even though you never thought of yourself that way. 

Akaashi hummed in response, looking beside him to lock eyes with the gorgeous e/c orbs of his fiancé. Fiancé. He never thought he'd reach this point in life where he was soon going to be married, and to you, no less! 

He smiled at you, kissing your forehead which slightly caught you off-guard and made you giggle. "What was that for?" You asked, scrunching your nose. 

"You look adorable even after crying," He replied nonchalantly, as if anything he said or did wouldn't make your heart do multiple somersaults. 

It was only now that you noticed the time nearing 8 pm, and you two haven't eaten dinner yet. Recalling from a few hours ago, Osamu did ask Akaashi to text him if they wanted to meet up for dinner. 

"Keiji..." You cleared your throat once more, as you both wandered the sidewalks of Tokyo aimlessly. "Why don't we meet up with the boys? We haven't eaten dinner yet, and knowing the twins, they must've argued over where to eat before having a mutual understanding."

"That's a good idea," Akaashi nodded his head, fishing for his phone in his pocket to contact Osamu. 

Akaashi briefly took a pause and stopped in his tracks. He looked at you who wore a confused expression.

"What's wrong, Keiji?"

"Are you comfortable with telling them about us?" Akaashi brought his free hand up to your face, stroking your cheek with his thumb. "You might not be okay with it, and it might be too soon to tell them we're... engaged now."

The warmth that radiated from Akaashi's palms must have been the reason for your mad blushing. You absolutely loved how thoughtful and considerate Akaashi has been in the past 8 months since getting out of the mess with your ex, Asano. You didn't know what would've happened to you if it weren't for Akaashi and the boys being so patient. 

You smiled, leaning your cheek further into Akaashi's palm. "Thank you, for being so thoughtful. But I honestly think they'll be happy for us."

"Let them figure it out by themselves for the mean time." You giggled, earning a nod from Akaashi, as he dialed Osamu's number. 


"Who was that on the phone just now?" Atsumu asked his twin brother while he was comfortably seated in front of 'Samu who was over the counter. You were right, the two had a few arguments on where to eat before finally agreeing to go to Osamu's shop instead.

"Akaashi." Osamu briefly replies, preparing the onigiris for him and the rest of the group.

"Oh! Any news?" Atsumu was smiling from ear to ear like a child, and rocking his legs back and forth. He sat on the bar stool with Bokuto and Rintarou. 

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