[ 43 ] Like the cliche movies

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"Do you have everything you need, sweetie?" the voice of Rintarou's mother rang through your ears as you mentally crossed out your check list.

"Yes, Auntie." You smiled. You had everything you need. Your passport, your ticket, phone, laptop, chargers - everything was packed and ready.

This was it. Today was the day you leave for America. You made it your goal that you'd spend the last week you had in Japan with friends, and you did.

You first went out with Naomi and Konoha. Yes, they were a thing now. Not exactly a thing yet, but both of them had plans of asking the other out. It was ironic how you knew both of their plans and how they contradicted with the other - but the important thing was, they both liked each other.

You then went home to Hyogo and spent time with the twins and Suna. You purposely hung out with them the secondth because you wanted to be with Bokuto before you left. Not so sure about Akaashi, though...

You ended up hanging out with the both of them that weekend including Kuroo. Surprisingly, it wasn't awkward between you and Akaashi. You two had acted the way you were before all the drama and before the relationship even sparked its interest - as friends. You haven't entirely accepted that but you knew it was necessary.

And now you were here, saying your goodbyes to your now empty apartment. This apartment held so much memories, and this was the place you'd first realized you were in love with Akaashi.

Negative thoughts, be gone.

You were moving to America. You knew thinking of Akaashi would only weigh you down. Sitting in the backseat of the van Rintarou's parents had rented just to drive you to the airport, you looked at the plane ticket that was in your hands.

Name: L/n, F/n
Date: March 30th, 2012 [Japan Airlines]
Flight xxxxxxx
bound to: New York, USA
from: Tokyo, Japan
Boarding time: 13:30 

You had approximately an hour until your said boarding time. You relaxed in your seat, resting your head on Rintarou's shoulder while Atsumu held your hand.

You're gonna be okay.


"Bokuto-san." Akaashi lazily calls out to his friend, while his eyes were glued to his laptop.

"Yes, Akaashi?" Bokuto happily replied, bringing a bag of chips his way.

The two were hanging out in Bokuto's apartment like always. But this time, and for the first time ever, Akaashi wanted to go out. He gave Bokuto a disappointing look. "It's lunch time and you're eating chips?" Bokuto nodded frantically to the younger boy's question, stuffing a handful of chips in his mouth.

Akaashi shook his head. "Let's eat out. We could invite Y/n, if you want."

Bokuto froze in his spot. He now suddenly remembered why he felt so uneasy the whole day - today was the day you were leaving for America. Bokuto gulped down his chips, drinking from his waterbottle and shot Akaashi a worried look. "We... can't." He curtly replied.

Bokuto could do nothing now but accept the fact that you were leaving, even when you decided not to tell Akaashi. This is gonna break his heart, Bokuto thought. I have to tell him, he deserves to know.

Meant to Be - Akaashi K.Where stories live. Discover now