[ 51 ] Osamu's request pt. 2

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You and Osamu made your way out to the busy streets of Tokyo.

You were nervous, to say the least. This was Osamu, the person you could never lie to back in high school and junior high, because you knew he'd figure you out immediately. The very person who knew there was trouble even before you told him.

The cold breeze gently kissed yours and Osamu's faces, as you tried to find a secluded place for you two to talk. Where would you even start?

"You're tense." Osamu speaks up, eyes looking at the beautiful color of the sky as he walked beside you. You were taken aback by his sudden comment. He was reading you like a book, just as he did before.

There was no escaping Osamu.

"I'm sorry," You whispered, turning the corner that had stairs, leading to an alleyway. This was the perfect place for you two to talk.

"Your apologies don't mean shit, L/n." He sat on one of the steps, running his fingers through his hair and lightly squeezing it.

"That's blunt of you.."

"You're acting like I didn't tell you I'd be blunt." Osamu rolls his eyes, before closing it and taking a deep breath in. "So, start talking." He says, resting his elbows on his knees.

Where do you even start? You were completely terrified of what might happen if Osamu knew, but then again you couldn't lie now. He already stated the fact that he didn't believe you'd just cut them off like that. What was the point of lying?

"I'm sorry," was all you managed to say, before sitting down beside Osamu and resting your forehead on his shoulder. Tears were now forming in your eyes as your chest tightened, remembering everything that had happened.

Osamu was startled with your action, nonetheless didn't bother pushing you away. He craved for your touch just as he did years ago. He saw how you were clenching your fists, and he immediately knew his theories were right.

"You're right," You idly continued. "I didn't mean to cut you off. I didn't mean to just abandon you. And I know a thousand apologies couldn't make up for the lost time." You blabbered, your heart now racing.

"Show me your hand." He demanded, grabbing your wrist absentmindedly, making you flinch. Your bruise was getting darker and you couldn't hide it even with the coat on.

Osamu let go of your wrist, eyes widening. "Tell me the truth," He swallowed thickly. "What happened?"

You pursed your lips. This was it. This was either a chance for you to escape, or a possibility that Osamu was going to get hurt. But you were willing to risk it.

You shut your eyes closed, taking a hold of Osamu's hand which took him aback, and you squeezed it lightly before letting it go. You stood up and stood in front of him, back facing him, letting out a shaky breath. You slowly took off your coat, and Osamu's eyes widened in shock. You wore a sleeveless blouse that made the bruises on your back and arms evident. The color of purple and black fused together.

"Who.." Osamu let out a shaky breath. "Did Asano do this to you?!" He exclaimed, quickly standing up to take a good look at your bruises. His hand lightly brushed against your skin, making you flinch. You nod your head in reply to his question.

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