[ 41 ] Confession to Bokuto

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"Baby, wake up." You shook him awake. He promised he'd take you to his practice match today and here he was still sleeping in. "Baby." You groaned, trying to shake him harder.

Keiji mumbled and shifted his body from one side to laying on his back, completely ignoring your calls. "Keiji I swear if you don't wake up right now, I won't give you any morning kisses." You threatened, now moving away to step off the bed.

Keiji was quick to wrap his arms around your waist. He pulled you down so you'd be lying on top of him. Your breath hitched at the sudden action. It was too early in the morning and Keiji was already giving butterflies to your stomach. You then felt something hard touching your stomach.

Keiji was having morning wood..

"Good morning, princess." He whispered in his low morning husky voice which sent shivers down your spine. God, you loved mornings like this.

You giggled when you felt Keiji's nose rubbing against yours. He'd often do this when he'd wake up late as somewhat an unspoken apology. You gave him a little peck on the lips. "Come on, baby, let's make breakfast!"


"Uh, any thoughts, Akaashi?" your soft voice brought Akaashi's mind back to reality. He didn't notice he was zoning out in the middle of your meeting.

"Thoughts... about..?" He hesitantly asked, now locking eyes with you.

You felt your cheeks heat up before looking away. "Um, just.. any thoughts on what we should do for the farewell party we're planning on?" You pursed your lips.

Akaashi cleared his throat. Right.. you were in a meeting with the rest of the second-years to discuss about the surprise farewell party you were throwing the third-years. Akaashi didn't have the energy to be here and yet he still came, knowing you'd be the one planning it.

"Bokuto-san would probably be thrilled if we made a banner for the third-years in the volleyball team." He shrugged, his face showed his usual bored expression.

Your eyes lit up and Akaashi took notice of this. His heart fluttered. How he misses your genuine smiles. "That's a great idea, 'kaashi! Bokuto would be pysched."

While you wrote down the rest of the second-years' suggestions and ideas, your timid classmate Naomi raised her hand. "Ah, Naomi," You giggled at how innocently she looked. "Can I help you?"

The other students were minding their own business, so Naomi scoot over where you and Akaashi sat. You hadn't even noticed you and him were sitting so close until Naomi came nearer. "I was actually hoping to speak with Akaashi-san.." She spoke loud enough for only the three of you to hear.

"Oh, I wasn't expecting that," You lightly giggled. Naomi wasn't the kind of person to talk to boys, so her initiating a conversation with one was surprising. "I'll leave you two be, then?"

"N-no!" She was quick to grab your wrist before you could stand up. "I-It's fine." You nodded, sitting back down to face her.

She shifted in her seat, obviously nervous but you and Akaashi were wondering why. "I.. was wondering.." she started, pursing her lips. You raised an eyebrow and looked back at Akaashi to see him furrowing his eyebrows in wonder as well. Naomi inhaled a sharp breath. "I was wondering if you could help me get a gift for Konoha-san!" she blurted out.

Meant to Be - Akaashi K.Where stories live. Discover now