007 rainy night (pt. 2)

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You stared up at Akaashi quietly, admiring his features. Despite the darkness, you could see him clearly—his pointed nose, his soft looking lips, his sharp jaw, his neck, ugh, everything about him made you weak.

He looked so peaceful when he was asleep. His usual stoic expression was gone and was replaced with a more soft look on his face, as his chest puffed up and down slowly. There was still a good amount of distance from you and him, since you placed a hotdog-like pillow inbetween the two of you as a barrier.

"Stop staring, L/n. It's embarrassing." Akaashi shifted from his position—once lying on his back, now facing you, eyes still closed.

You blushed at his sudden remark. Was he not asleep yet? How did he even know you was staring? Was he psychic or something? "I wasn't staring, idiot." You hissed at him shifting from you current position—which was facing him—to lying down on your back and facing the ceiling.

"Right. So what was the long pause for? Thinking of a snarky come back?" You swore you could just feel his smirk. He was lying on his arm now, still keeping his eyes closed.

"Why are you annoying when Bokuto-san isn't around? Isn't he supposed to be the annoying one between you two?" You asked with a tone of much pride. You felt as if you had won their nonexistent war of comebacks.

"And why are you so tense around me, L/n-chan? Say, do you like me?" He replied nonchalantly. You shot your eyes at him, his face remained unbothered—eyes closed, his head still resting on his arm as he took inaudible breaths.

"Ugh," was all you managed to say. Of course I like you, dumbass, was what you wanted to say, but couldn't at all find the courage to.

Akaashi, on the other hand, was expecting something, anything, to at least confirm that you had feelings for him. But the way you replied, only slightly broke his heart. Your answer, though, was neither a confirmation or a denial. Of course, he wasn't going to give up just yet. Besides, you two just became friends.

He cleared his throat, and broke the silence between you. He thought he might as well make conversation, considering it was nearing 1 am and neither of you could sleep. "Who was that guy you were with yesterday? The one with the upgraded-Buttercup-hairstyle dude."

You snickered at his unecessary yet funny comment. You didn't know he actually had a sense of humor. "Why? You're not jealous, are you, Akaashi?" You smirked. L/n: 2, Akaashi: 0. Take that you hot and gorgeous fuck!

He swiftly yet suddenly brought his face closer to yours, which caught you way off guard. He was now on top of you and you could feel his warm, minty-smelling breath tickle your nose. He smelled so nice, which made you simply forget that he was soaked from the rain earlier. "Why would I be jealous when I'm the one lying next to you, and not him?" He replied huskily. His voice was lower than usual. Maybe it was because it's the middle of the fucking night and you two are clearly not dealing with the lingering sexual tension between you. Your inner demon thought.

You were still pretty frozen solid; your face was mere inches away from Akaashi's. You looked at him directly in the eyes and saw the little glow in them, before looking away. Akaashi thought this was his perfect chance to tell you how he'd really been feeling all this time. But he didn't want to do anything you weren't comfortable with.

He laid back down on his side, face directed towards the ceiling as he covered his eyes with his arm once more, letting out a deep breath he didn't know he'd been holding on to. "So? Who was it?"

"...Just a family friend." You replied quietly, turning your back on him and hugging your stuffed toy intensely, ignoring the fast-paced beating of your heart.

He only hummed in response, inhaling deeply and then exhaling. There was a brief yet comfortable silence between you. All you could hear was the sound of the fan and the raindrops hitting your window.

"Do you see me as someone you're comfortable with, L/n?" He asked out of the blue, which caught you off guard once more. What's with him and all these questions?

You thought deeply about his question. You needed to look for the right words to say to him, so you won't mess your chance up with him. "I suppose so," you replied casually. "You and Bokuto-san are the only two people I can call my... friends in school. I don't like conversing much but with you two, I'm more than comfortable." You nodded to yourself, satisfied with your answer.

Akaashi, though, seemed to be annoyed by how you reply to his questions generally—you'd always throw in Bokuto in the sentence even when he didn't ask about him in the first place. He knew he had to be patient, but this was you. As far as he knows, there are numerous guys having the hots for you.

He only nodded in response to your answer, and another overwhelming silence took over. You wanted badly to interract with him. He was, after all, the "love of your life," according to both Suna and your inner demon. You just couldn't find the words to say, or the questions to ask. What do you even say to someone you like?

You and Akaashi let the silence seep in the room. The sound of the rain was slowly dying down and you were getting sleepy. You lied on her back, tucking yourself under the covers and hugging your stuffed toy. "Good night, Keiji." You whispered his name to make it inaudible, considering you weren't on a first name basis yet. But Akaashi heard it loud and clear, which made his heart waver.

He kept his eyes close, humming in response as they both drifted to sleep.

Meant to Be - Akaashi K.Where stories live. Discover now