Kasey's one shot

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One shot Jordan p.o.v. from Kasey

I left the girls behind because I don't want them to slow me down. Okay no, I just couldn't imagine how it would feel if I lost Bre, or Carrie for that matter.

I'm winding my way through the woods, trying to keep quiet just in case they have people hiding in the woods looking for us. I see little breaks of light come through the underbrush, meaning I'm close to the edge of the woods.

Now I'm especially careful to not step on any twiggs. I crouch down, and see the facility. Surrounded by armed guards.... "how am I going to do this?" I think. Looking around, I see that there's a dark area towards the back with no lighting and only two guards. I could slip by them.

I make my way around to the back, keeping just inside the tree line so no one sees me. Its been nearly an hour and a half now. I need to hurry, Bre isn't that patient.

Finally I'm close enough I could just sprint over and hide in the shadow of the building. I take a deep breath, certain that the coast is clear and run like my life depends on it, because it kinda does.

I let out a long sigh when I make it without being spotted. I'm by a chain link fence that surrounds a court yard looking area. I lay my hands on the fence leaning my head down. 'I need to hurry' I think. Then I hear a horrified scream. I look up and a door is open to the yard. I jump back trying to stay out of sight.

A man throws a woman down on the ground and closes the door before she has a chance to get up.

She throws herself at the door, screaming. "I can still do it!! I'm strong enough! Please don't kill me like this! Please!" Shes bawling. I open my mouth to let her know I'm here and ill try to save her but before I speak 4 garage doors open and huge mobs of zombies start piling out. Then I see that she wasn't the only human in there. There were about ten men and two other women in there.

They all got up and started screaming backing away towards the middle. They were all defensless against these monsters and the battle was over quickly. Suddenly an alarm goes off and guards start yelling. All I think of is Bre. She followed me. I get up to where I could see, and sure enough there she is running into sight.

"Shit" I mumble. Since they know shes here there was no use in trying to stay quiet. "Bre!!!" I yell. She keeps running but finds me instantly and starts running towards me. I get up and meet her.

"I'm sorry I'm so sorry" she says. I hug her

"It's okay" I grab her hand and run towards the woods. We have to let go of eachother when we reach it though, so we can get through the trees easier.

I hear shouting and its right behind us. Bre screams and I stop in my trucks. They have her.

"No! You bastards, let her go!!" I turn back and run at the men that have her.

"No Jordan! Run!! Its okay, just run!" Bre screamed.

Two of the men left her end started following me. I had no choice. I have to run. I shoot at one but miss. As I'm running I can feel hot tears running down my face.

'They took her. No. No. No. No.' That's all I can think about. 'No. No. No.'

I feel like they just shot a huge hole through my chest. I love her. And I lost her.

-Kasey :)

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