MegaBlade Connie's Past 2nd Place

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Connie's P.O.V.

So, Bruce and Bre is their name. I seriously hope they don't end up like Jason and my sister, Isabella. Perhaps, a flash back can help me move on, it might make me stronger... I hope. I remember it as if it was yesterday...

It was November 18, I was wondering in the woods near my house in Dublin, Ireland. It was days before those things started terrorizing the world. It was just a regular hiking activity, until I saw some sort of facility, surrounded by soldiers in every corner. I told Bruce, Isabella, Jake, Dan, and our dog, Duke to stay put while I go check things out. They all agreed, but, as I was about to be out of sight from them, Isabella suddenly came to me running, she said "Take us with you! We can't live if we find out anything happen to you." In sudden realization, I replied softly, "Fine, Dan, Jake, Bruce and Duke, you're coming with me." But then I realized, Duke might be a burden to us, he might do something that can blow our cover, so I added, "Erm... I change my mind, Dan and Duke, you guys stay here." I really didn't want to disappoint them, but it's for their own good.

So we used stealth by going tree by tree, vantage point to vantage point so we can see enough land space of the facility to make a good enough plan. When we finally got a plan, I told them "Okay guys, here is the plan, we split into two groups, Isabella and Bruce, infiltrate and investigate the west part of the facility. While me and Jake will-"I was suddenly interrupted by Isabella saying in an annoying voice, "Did you just pick Jake to be your group mate just because you like him?" Gosh! Why did she have to bring it up! So I got so embarrassed for a while, blushing nonstop. When I finally got over it, I said "As I was saying, before I was rudely interrupted, me and Jake will take the east part. After 15 minutes, both groups will rendezvous at the back side of the facility, that area is the least guarded place in the facility."

"But, how do we get in without getting notice?" asked Jake. "Well Jake-"shoot, I got interrupted by Isabella once again saying, "Ohh! She said his name! She said his name!" I got so annoyed that I said, "Bruce, can you shut this girl up?" "Take it easy Connie, let her be, don't listen to her," said Jake, my heart started racing and blush took over, a short moment of awkward silence was the effect of that. The silence was then broken by a huge alarm.

"Hey Jake, you know what I told you about how do we get in without getting notice?" I asked Jake with a huge smile on my face. "Well yeah, but I don't get it," said confused Jake. "Well, this is the distraction we needed... now everyone, MOVE OUT!" When we headed out, me and Jake ran to our positions, while doing so, Jake was grabbing my hand, what a moment! "Jake, they're distracted by something else, but why?" I asked. "I don't know, but I have a bad feeling about this." He's right, nothing but bad things happened because of that. "We can do this Jake! Believe in yourself," yeah, I had always been that optimistic, I also like encouraging people when they are feeling down.

We suddenly went behind a wall, checking if any soldier is nearby. Once we made sure that the coast is clear, we went in. Then we noticed a soldier was walking near the wall we were taking cover from, still unaware of our presence. When he got near enough, Jake grabbed him by the shirt, pulled him near him, then punched him in the jaw, just enough to knock him out. Then, we didn't notice, but there was another soldier near us, he saw everything. He placed his hands up and went near us saying, "Woa there! Stop, you got to get out of here, this place is not what you think it is, my name is Blake! Trust me!" "I don't know Jake, I have a bad feeling about him," I said to Jake. "Oh come on Connie, let's give the man a chance." I had no choice but to agree with Jake.

"Ok, so what's the story, Blake?" I asked in an angry tone. "Well this facility is a special facility, here our government make and train undead to possibly take over our enemies. They breed undead by artificially raping females. They train them by getting the already delivered females and captured males to a special arena that makes them learn tactics. You got to get out of here, quick!" I thought about it for a while, so I said to Jake, "Jake, we should listen to him, we need to get out of here!" "How about the rendezvous?" asked Jake. "Screw the rendezvous! We need to get out of here, now!"

While I and Jake were arguing to get out of there or not... Blake suddenly pulled Jake then kicked him in the crotch, just enough to get him on the ground. "What the heck did you just do, bastard?!" I asked angrily. "Never trust the government about paranormal stuff," Blake said. "The others have already been notified about your friends in the west of the facility, they are now in pursuit upon them, and your dog and your other friend outside, we killed the dog, we transported the boy into the training arena," he added. After he said that, he pulled me towards him, and then injected something into my lower abdomen. Then from the back, Jake got up and grabbed the syringe then stabbed it at Blake's head, by head I mean, directly to the brain. Then we ran out of the facility and into the woods, leaving Blake's bloody remains behind.

"What the heck was that?!" I asked Jake. He replied "Hey, let's just focus on getting out of here, I'm sure Isabella and Bruce is alright," he replied in words of comfort. As we went on, there was movement in the bushes, so we stopped, looking around on where it came from. When he saw the location, we slowly went close then BAM! Someone shot Jake in the shoulders. "Oh my! I'm so sorry Jake!" Wait, he knows Jakes name? I wondered, when I looked, it was actually Bruce with Isabella. "Are you guys nuts?" I asked angrily, "I'm sorry! I thought you were those soldiers!" "It's alright Connie, I'm okay. Let's just get out of here." We all agreed so we got the heck out of those woods, what we then saw wasn't pretty, they're everywhere! I guess that was the alert we heard earlier.

"What the heck will he do?" asked Isabella. "Hey look! A helicopter, I can hotwire that so we can use it!" said Bruce. "Wait why do you know how to hotwire a helicopter?" I asked. "There's no time for that, look! Those bastards are coming! Run!" We ran towards the helicopter, it was abandoned for some reason, we saw some guns, and we grabbed them then started shooting the bastards one by one while Bruce and Isabella try to hotwire the helicopter. "How long will you take? These things are everywhere!" I asked in panic. "Just a while, we need a few more moments," replied Bruce.

Then suddenly, a huge bang came from the top of the helicopter. A jumper! Well, that is what I like to call it, Jumpers, undead that can jump on you, and to your vehicles. We then started concentrating our fire on the top of the helicopter since those things are slowly ripping apart the top part of our aircraft. When we got them out, Bruce finished hotwiring the helicopter then said in a silly voice. "Fasten your seat belts everyone! Your pilot for this flight will be me and Isabella."

We finally took off... "Hey Connie, I wanted to say for all this time... um... I really had feelings for you since we were in elementary." I blushed after Jake said that. "Stop it you, you're just kidding." I replied. "No I'm not, I'm serious." He said, well he does look serious. I then told him, "Fine, prove it to me, right here right now." Then, he suddenly let his nose touch mine, then slowly... he did it, he kissed me. After that I noticed a wound at his shoulder, so I asked, "Hey, what happened to your shoulder?" His answer wasn't that pretty, "I was scratched by one of those undead things." After his answer, Bruce suddenly shouted "Guys! Buckle up! Those things damaged something from our helicopter, WERE GOING TO CRASH! Hold on tight!"

That was the last thing I remembered, when I woke up, we were in a house in New Orleans. "W-w-where am I?" I struggled asking. "You're finally awake, you have been in a coma for a few months now." Replied Isabella. "What happened to Jake?" I asked. "J-j-Jake? He's dead, he got severely injured from the crash, and he suddenly turned into an undead. You have also been pregnant for 4 months now, but, it looks like you're almost ready for a super early delivery." After what she mentioned about Jake being dead, I was in tears. I got confused when she said I was pregnant, I never even did it with anybody yet. "I'm sorry I have to say this but, we fear the baby might be an undead, so we decided to do this." Immediately following that, she injected me with some sort of sleeping drug. When I woke up, I saw the baby being healthy and 100% human! So I went out to get some supplies, when I got back, the baby was actually a zombie, but it didn't show earlier that day, it turned Bruce into a zombie. Then Bruce killed Isabella.

After that, I was alone, crying for hours, when suddenly I heard something go through the door, I pinned it, then noticed it was a person, but I was still in rage so I couldn't help but hurt him a bit, so that person turned out to be Bruce, well... the new Bruce with his friend, Bre. I hope they don't end up like the others...

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