Chloe J's Bigfoot One Shot

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Chloe J's Bigfoot One Shot

December, 2012 Carrie's P.O.V NEW-FOUND ENTRY:

It's been a crazy day.

The day after Bre got taken (and Jordan was still mourning over her), we set out into the forest to search for food. We were almost out, and we were both very hungry.

"WHY can't we just look for a HOUSE?" Jordan whined grumpily.

"BECAUSE," I called over my shoulder, "There ARE no houses. And besides, the ones that we DO find could, and probably will, be infested with zombies!"

Jordan grumbled something that I couldn't hear, but he didn't deny it any further. I smirked at his silence, but I couldn't help but sigh in irritation at the same time. He had been such a baby since Bre left.

We trekked into forest after forest, Jordan STILL making a fuss behind me, and, all the while, NOT finding any food. Finally we came to a forest that had a sign before it. It said: "DANGER. KEEP OUT." I stared at it for a while, confused. I had never seen those signs on a forest before. Finally I shrugged. "Well, let's go."

"But Carrie, it could be dangerous!" Jordan pointed out.

It was then that I finally snapped. I couldn't help it! He had been such a baby all day! "You know what, Jordan? I'm sick of your negativity! Why don't you just stay here, while I look for some food!"

An annoyed look spread across Jordan's face. "Fine. But if you get eaten by zombies, it's not on me."

I rolled my eyes and set my weapons down. I didn't think I'd be needing them... If some flesh bags showed up, I could just grab a tree branch or something. The weapons would just be a burden. I walked into the forest, Jordan's grumbling fading away as I went further and further. I hunted for hours, it seemed like, and all I found was a couple of berries. I didn't pick them of course... I want to say that they were poisonous or something, but the real reason was that I didn't have anything to carry them with, in leaving my weapons and stuff with Jordan. Genius, huh?

I didn't feel like going back to him, so I just kept going. I couldn't put up with him right now. The sound of twig snapping in front of me suddenly grabbed my attention.

"Oh crap." I muttered under my breath. Was a zombie already coming for me? Being careful to not make any noise, I reached up to grab a tree branch. But as I grasped the branch in my hand...


The leaves rustled loudly as something fell from the trees and landed on the ground with a thud. I screamed and backed away from it, accidentally letting go of the tree branch. It lifted its head slowly, staring at me with dark, beady eyes. I felt like screaming and laughing at the same time.

Its flesh was decomposing and rotten, peeling off in some places and showing ribs and bones. Most of its fur... Yes, fur... Was hanging in clumps from its body, and its ears were torn and shredded. It's long tail stuck straight up, and a huge bite was lodged in its back. But the most frightening thing of all, was its mouth. A terrible, somewhat evil grin that spread all across its face, not making any room for its eyes and nose. The thing that almost made me laugh, though, was its breed. It wasn't just a cat or a dog... It was a monkey! A zombie monkey! I guessed a zoo must've been here once or something.

I tried to find a weapon or something to, as much as I didn't want to, kill the monkey with but there were no trees above me. Groans filled the forest around me as I heard slow and heavy footsteps. My screams had attracted zombies. LOTS of zombies. It seemed as if they were everywhere.

The monkey screeched loudly, its noise protruding around the whole forest. It was then that the zombies entered. They came, stumbling over rocks and twigs, towards me with such a coldness that I backed up. It was no use finding a weapon now. I was doomed.

I was too frightened to do anything now, but I felt as if I could possibly make a run for it. I stole a quick glance around me, my heart sinking as I noticed I was surrounded by trees, and had backed up against a particularly huge one.

I screamed. It was all I could do now. I couldn't move, and I couldn't fight. So I screamed.

The zombies closed in on me mercilessly, groaning and moaning, and the monkey followed close behind, still screeching.

I closed my eyes, bracing myself for the pain. The bite. But it didn't come. Instead, I heard a big roar. Great. Was there a zombie lion here too? But no... The zombies were going away. I opened my eyes a tiny bit to see a huge creature, EXTREMELY hairy and large, heading towards the zombies. Its large feet stomped against the hard ground, crushing a severed arm that had crawled its way over to it, and causing a few of the zombies to stay back. I couldn't see any of its face, naturally because it was so hairy, but it's long arms lumbered at its sides, and I could see that it was holding something. A huge boulder.

It swung its huge arms around to have the boulder crash into the stumbling zombies, black, oozing blood hitting the ground and splattering against the trees (I didn't let ANY get on me). It repeated the action again, the boulder cracking and crushing the skulls of the zombies it made contact with.

I ducked as a zombie hand flew right at my head, smacking against the tree and laying still. I grabbed a small rock and dropped it on the hand, just in case.

Soon all of the zombies were dead. I went up to the huge creature, realizing (now that I was out of my paralyzation of fear), who it was. Bigfoot. The legendary Bigfoot. It looked down on me, though I couldn't see its eyes, and made a muffled sound that I couldn't make out. It's head swung around as something jumped on him from behind. Another zombie? Well... Yes and no.

The monkey screeched again and bent its head to sink its teeth into Bigfoot's flesh, but he was too quick for it. Its head flew off of its shoulders, causing the rest of its body to fall limp. The head landed on the ground with a loud splat, and Bigfoot shook the now still body of the monkey off himself disgustedly.

I smiled. NOW all the zombies were dead. "Come on, Bigfoot! Let's go show YOU to Jordan!" I grabbed its huge arm and tugged him out of the horrible forest, now acknowledging the danger sign as I passed it. I picked up a stick and carved something under the words on the sign. Now it said: "DANGER. KEEP OUT. Trust me."

I happily dragged Bigfoot over to Jordan's "camp", and I laughed at the surprised look on his face as he looked up at him.

"What... Is... THAT...?!" He stuttered.

"Bigfoot!" I proudly exclaimed.


Later, while Jordan was exploring a small village we had found, I pondered what he had told me earlier. He told me to get rid of Bigfoot. I didn't want to, though! He was a big deal to me! Too bad I didn't find him BEFORE this whole catastrophe started. I could be rich!

My eyes wandered over to a small dresser. One of the drawers was popped out and lying on the floor in an angle where I could see the contents. It was a small hand razor. I suddenly had an idea. It was my time to shine.

Later, I had Bigfoot in one place and was shaving him head to toe. And you wouldn't BELIEVE what was under all that hair! It was a cat! I guess he had been neglected or something, because... Well... WOW! He was wild and angry at first, but I calmed him down. Now, how to explain this to Jordan?

Simple. I plainly decided not to. I ran down the stairs of the house I was in and saw a vacant room. I put the cat on the bed and told him to stay. I decided to let Jordan find him later. I went quietly back upstairs, settling myself down and awaiting Jordan's return, but not before I decided on a name for the cat.

After I had told Jordan my "story", I decided to pretend to think of a name. And once I did...

I would call him J.J.


TIP: Do NOT leave your weapons ANYWHERE. EVER. There won't always be a Bigfoot (or an overly hairy cat) to save you.

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