MrsCullen399's One Shot

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A/N: As promised, I have a mini bonus surprise p.o.v. MrsCullen399 wrote this out and messaged it to me, it's cute and funny so I HAD to share it with you all:

J.J 's POV

Mah life is on the gogo. In the bag, out the bag. In the bag, out the bag. In the bag, oh you get the point!

I saw one of them once. Dirty, nasty things they are, more annoying than the fleabags on my back. Tee hee, fleshbags, fleabags. Fleshbags, fleabags.

Anyways, they've taken away my world. One blood covered fleshbag took a nibble out of the old lady who took care of me. Bit er' leg then the old lady started to become one of them.

Now ive got a younger lady looking after me. Lucky the walking sacks of bloody horror dont like kittay meat. Soul - less creatures they are, eating living flesh . Almost cannibalistic.

Buuuut, I think I know what they are. The soul of the person moves out, leaving the body to do those terrible things. What's worse, looking down and seeing your body used as a deploy of death, but you're out of harm, or still living but in the constant nagging fear of a slow terrible death awaiting?

Me doesnt know. Eh, what can I say? Kitten gotta make the best of what Ceiling Cat provides.

My new caretaker and her sassy friend just met up with another two- leg. Less food fo mwa?? Nah. I dont think so ladah

Written by: MrsCullen399

Back to the story :-P

Dec 8th, 2012

Dear Journal,

After finding Jordan and Carrie early yesterday and telling them I was being looked for we ducked into the forest and holed up in the small cave behind the waterfall until this morning. It was cold and damp but with the extra clothes they'd grabbed, the blankets we already had and J.J. to keep us warm, it wasn't too bad. Speaking of the cat...

We packed up this morning, just as the first light broke through the trees. We decided to stay off the road and head the long way through the forest, hoping to find a way around the camp. We were still hellbent on getting to Tilamook Head and if we took the road we would have to back track.

Climbing over rocks, fallen tree limbs and squeezing between the more dense groupings of trees wasn't my idea of a fun morning but I couldn't keep the smile from my face as I watched my friends up ahead. I was glad to have them back, even if they were arguing and picking at each other.

"We're leaving the cat with the next hoard." Jordan muttered.

"But you'll miss him!" Carrie teased.

"Ya, I'll miss the extra bait we have."

"More like you'll miss the little heater that he is, I saw you cuddled up with him this morning." Carrie smirked.

"I was sleeping, how am I supposed to keep him off of me in my sleep?" He grumbled.

"You looked pretty cozy to me." I decided to throw in on their arguing. "You had your arm around him."

Jordan huffed and wandered on ahead, ignoring our giggles.

We continued on like this for awhile, joking, laughing, trying to make the best of the hellish situation we were in. We were deep into the forest now. The trees overhead were dense, letting in very little light from the sky above. Carrie kept reassuring us that she knew where we were going but everything looked the same to me.

I was beginning to get a little panicked when I remembered the compass I found at home the first day, buried in the bottom of my kit.

"Wait!" I dropped to my knees and threw my kit to the ground, digging my hands through the mess inside. "I have a compass in here."

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