Karalela's Bigfoot One Shot

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Karalela's Bigfoot One Shot

Breanna's POV

Jordan sat in the driving seat, driving carefully but quickly. None of us wanted to waste any time getting to Tillamook. So far, we'd hit six fleshbags and got a rush out of hitting every one of them. The drive mostly consisted of Carrie talking to J.J in the backseat. She and I rotated seats between the backseat and the passenger's side seat. J.J stayed in the back so that whoever was sitting there had company.

J.J was good company, too. He was a cuddler and didn't hesitate to lay down on your lap.

"Anyone else here willing to drive?", Jordan asked, letting a yawn escape his mouth. I scrunched up my face but felt pity for him. We'd been on the road for well over three hours and he'd been driving the entire time.

"Yeah, I'll have a go.", I said as he brought the car to a steady stop.

"Carrie do you mind if I take a nap in the back?", Jordan asked. She accepted and we all switched our seating before I started the car again.

"Hey, Bre, turn up the heat, please.", Jordan said groggily. I turned the dial ever so slightly and was thanked with the air conditioning turning on, letting a loud noise keep me awake.

--"So...", Carrie said quietly, breaking the silence. I'd been driving for a good two hours.

"So...", I replied. A small meow came from the backseat...It's official at this point. Everyone's bored out of their mind. In a desperate attempt for entertainment, I turned on the radio, searching every station there was. Nothing. Just static.

Suddenly, the car roared and came to a slow stop. I looked at the metre. "Damn...out of gas.", I mumbled.

"I'll go with you.", Carrie said as we both unbuckled our seat belts...hey better safe than sorry, right? I grabbed the hose and Carrie grabbed the gas can.

We began to refill the car when a blood curdling scream came from the woods aside the road. I immediately turned around, as did Carrie. We froze in place and heard someone or something getting closer. Another scream filled the cold night air.

"W-what was that?", Carrie asked quietly. I swallowed a lump of fear.

"I don't know.".

The car door opened, making us both jump as Jordan poked his head out.

"What was that noise?", he asked, worried. I opened my mouth to reply when I was cut off by another scream. Carrie and I immediately packed up the gas material and were about to re-enter the car when a big huff of breath sounded from behind me. Again, I froze, too afraid to discover what monster was behind me. I looked in the car to see Carrie and Jordan looking behind me with fear.

"No no no no...No!", I mumbled to myself. Another huff of breath and a growl. I gulped and slowly turned around to see a tall, hairy creature staring down at me. One thought filled my head...a bear? No, I'm being ridiculous. But if not a bear...then what?

"...Bigfoot?", I said, quietly. It huffed again and opened it's mouth to scream. Luckily, I covered my ears in time. I quickly turned around to open the car door when I was grabbed. "HELP!", I screamed before the thing picked me up and threw me on the ground. I landed hard but not hard enough to break anything. I got back up and ran to the other side of the car and opening the door frantically.

"WHAT IS THAT THING?!", Carrie yelled. "I don't know! Bigfoot?", I questioned. We all were in a panic as we heard something settle on top of the car.

"Oh god...you don't think it-", I started but was cut of by Jordan shushing me. We heard another scream above us, confirming my suspicions. Bigfoot was on top of the car.

"Now what? Do we get out and risk being pummeled by that thing? Do we drive off anyways?", Carrie asked in a panicked tone.

"We don't have enough gas to go anymore than 15 minutes away.", I told her. Jordan's face lit up. "Let me drive.", he said. "We can't go anywhere, though.", I said. "Just let me drive. Switch seats, c'mon.", he said.

We awkwardly crawled past each other and I took the backseat. Looking above me, I saw the roof of the car, just barely hovering over my head. This made me uncomfortable and I squished up near the side of the car.

"Hang on to something..", Jordan said, nervous.

"What do you mean?", Carrie asked.

Jordan smirked and floored the car. We were going as fast as we possibly could. Bigfoot was still on the roof of the car. He let out a scream...almost as if he was finding this fun.

"Jordan, I think he's enjoying himself.", I yelled through the roar of the car and the scream of the gargantuan beast.

"Wait for it!", he yelled back. And with that, the car came to an immediate halt, sending me flying to the passenger's side seat. I got up, rubbing my head and mumbling an 'ow' to myself. I noticed Joran and Carrie turned to the road behind us. I turned around to see Bigfoot on the road, knocked out.

"Let's go check it out and refill the tank.", Carrie said after a minute of silent staring. We all got out of the car and cautiously walked over to the creature. I took a look at it's face. Almost like a gorilla's but Bigfoot had more of a snout and a bigger head.

"I...wow.", I said.

"It's Bigfoot.", Carrie said. No one said a word.

"Thank god we didn't kill the thing. I don't think it meant any harm.", I said.

"No harm? Bre, the thing threw you on the ground.", Jordan said before spitting on Bigfoot and walking to the trunk of the car. Carrie and I followed and we filled up on gas before hitting the road again.

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