Bridgette and LeShawna

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**Bridgette started a private chat with LeShawna**

Bridgette: Hey

LeShanwa: Hey girl! What's up?

Bridgette: Geoff broke up with me last night😔💔

LeShawna: WHAT

LeShawna: NO WAY

Bridgette: He said he was tired of me trying to justify what I did. But I didn't! And I seriously think Geoff would've done the same!

LeShawna: I don't know about that, but maybe? He was and still is pretty hot. But the personality ruins it.

Bridgette: Exactly! Ugh, I can't believe Geoff and I broke up after 3 years just because HEATHER wanted drama!🤬

LeShawna: ik, she's such an attention seeking whore

Bridgette: Yeah, maybe Alejandro doesn't give her enough attention🤣

LeShawna: I wouldn't either. She probably requires more attention than a newborn baby, so annoying😂

Bridgette: And I even started being nice to her!

LeShawna: Yep, that's how she is. Never a true friend to anybody

Bridgette: And I never hold grudges for long, but this has gone too far!

LeShawna: I'd hold a grudge on her too! She ruined your relationship!

Bridgette: I'm so sick of her ruining everyone's lives!

LeShawna: Me too. I think the only way to make her stop is to ruin hers

Bridgette: Whoa, I don't know...I don't really like revenge. But it is Heather. She's hurt so many people.

LeShawna: Exactly😌

Bridgette: How would we ruin her life though?

LeShawna: Simple. We ruin her relationship with Alejandro

Bridgette: Good idea! Mean, but good idea

LeShawna: Remember who it is!

Bridgette: Oh yeah! Right!

LeShanwa: And remember what she did. She ended your three year relationship

Bridgette: Ok, that makes me want to get revenge NOW!

LeShawna: I have a plan: Flirt with Alejandro over text

Bridgette: Are you sure that will work?

LeShawna: Oh yeah it will. If I know anything about him, he's the biggest flirt in the WORLD

Bridgette: But isn't he in love with Heather?

LeShawna: All you have to do is send the right picture, if you know what I mean😉

Bridgette: LeShawna...I don't know if I can do that. I still feel like I'm with Geoff😭

LeShawna: But you're not! And technically it's his fault if he flirts back!

Bridgette: Hmm...true

LeShawna: And after you're done, screenshot it and send it to Heather. It'll be perfect!

Bridgette: She'll be really heartbroken if this works...

LeShawna: She left you heartbroken. She needs to know what that's like

Bridgette: You're right! I can do this!

LeShawna: You go girl! Tell me all about it when you're done!

Bridgette: Ok, thanks! Wish me luck!

LeShawna: Good luck! You got this!💕

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