Biggest Regrets?

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Trent: Yo

Cody: What's up?

Trent: Not much, man

Cody: Same here

Leshawna: Hey y'all


Tyler: Jeez you don't have to yell so loud😖

Bridgette: What's up?

Geoff: Hey dudes and dudettes

Courtney: Ugh, what do you want Sierra?

Heather: I only joined cause I'm bored

Gwen: What now

Sierra: Just say hi if you're here!

DJ: Hi!

Duncan: Hey

Izzy: Salutations

Alejandro: Hola

Lindsay: Hi!

Katie: Hi

Sadie: Hi

Justin: Hey

Harold: こんにちは

Eva: Hi

Beth: Hi!

Ezekiel: Hi

Owen: Hi

Sierra: Ok, I counted and there's only 23 people who responded. 1 person's missing and I know who it is👀

Noah: Fine

Sierra: Yay! Now we can begin! Question: what is everyone's biggest regret? And remember, what happens in this gc STAYS in this gc!

Noah: Can I leave now?

Sierra: I'll go first! My biggest regret is making Cody drink that tea from China🥺 I feel so bad because he got really messed up afterwards

Cody: Thanks, Sierra. Still crazy, but thanks.

Gwen: Guess I'll go next. My biggest regret has to be signing the contract for the show

Noah: I think that's everyone's...

Owen: Not mine!

Noah: *Every HUMAN'S

Gwen: Fine, I'll pick something else. I regret kissing Duncan in the plane. Having a friendship with Courtney was WAY better

Courtney: Awe, thanks Gwen!🥰

Bridgette: My biggest regret is kissing Alejerkdro😣

Geoff: My biggest regret is not killing that asshole!

Alejandro: 🙄

Geoff: 🖕🏼

LeShawna: Smack talking y'all on TDA

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