Disturbing Images

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LeShawna: WHOA WHOA WHOA, calm down there

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LeShawna: WHOA WHOA WHOA, calm down there

Bridgette: Geoff, please! I'm SO sorry! I don't know how many more times I can say it! That's all I can do! I wish I could do more but I can't!

Geoff: I'm so hurt😭 The more I think about it, the worse it gets!!

Bridgette: Then don't think about it! Think about all the good times we had together! Remember that one time where we went to that fancy Asian restaurant then made out in between bites of food?

Duncan: Jesus

Geoff: Yeah, that time was good...

Bridgette: Or the time we surfed together on the same board while making out?

Geoff: Ahhh stop making me miss you, Bridge!!😩

Harold: No one can make you do anything unless they crawl into your mind.

Duncan: Dude, shut the hell up

Harold: You can't tell me what to do anymore, Duncan. Ever since I started training at Steve's boxing club, I've been getting some muscle

Duncan: Yeah, sure

Harold: I'll show all of you the final product! Prepare to eat your words!

Bridgette: Geoff, please come over so we can talk!

Geoff: Fine, I will.

Bridgette: Thank you so much!

*Geoff left the chat*

Izzy: Finally!

Bridgette: Hey!

Izzy: Geoff was being wayyyy too annoying

Justin: I can agree with you on that one, Izzy

Bridgette: Now I'll just have to wait until he comes over! I'm gonna take a break from the chat and then I'll be back after we're done talking!

*Bridgette left the chat*

Sierra: Guys I really hope they make up!

Ezekiel: So, what's everyone up to today?

Sierra: Um HELLO?? We have more important matters to discuss! Like Geoff and Bridgette getting back together!!

Lindsay: Wait they broke up??😱

LeShawna: She told me the other day in private chat then called some people after that. Huh, guess she didn't tell you



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