Bridgette and Heather

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**Heather started a private chat with Bridgette**

Heather: What the FUCK was that

Bridgette: What??

Heather: You know what I'm talking about you blonde skank!

Bridgette: Maybe I DO

Heather: Alejandro showed me everything!!

Bridgette: Of course he did🙄

Heather: You're really stupid for thinking that your little plan would work! 

Bridgette: I'll think of something else!! You're pure evil!! You start up conversations from the past! I bet you planned this whole thing!!

Heather: Planned what?! It's not like I can get into your mind and make you do anything! Or make Geoff break up with you!

Bridgette: Yes but if you would've never brought it up again, Geoff and I would still be together!!

Heather: If mentioning the past is all it takes for a breakup to happen, maybe you should re-evaluate your relationship🤔

Bridgette: Our relationship was perfect!

Heather: No relationship is perfect🙄 If you think it's perfect, then it's not right.

Bridgette: Well sure we've had our fights, but we always end up making up! Except this time so far😡😭

Heather: Do you guys even talk it out?

Bridgette: No, not really. We usually just say we're sorry and start making out a lot. Awe I miss it already!😩😭

Heather: That's so stupid to do! All that pent up anger ends up coming out all at once and you lose your relationship!

Bridgette: Since when did you talk it out with anyone about your feelings?

Heather: I do with Alejandro because I actually want him in my life. It was a long process but I'm there now. Anyways, your relationship wasn't healthy at all.

Bridgette: Why should I believe to you? You're not me! You didn't know Geoff and I!

Heather: You just told me you make out instead of talk it out. That says enough in itself🤷🏻‍♀️

Bridgette: We both love making out with each other!

Heather: So what if you do?! Ending a fight the right way is more important than eating each other's faces!🤮

Bridgette: Whatever!

Heather: Here I am genuinely trying to give you advice and you're ungrateful. Figures🙄

Bridgette: Why should I be grateful for your advice? You're never nice to anyone! And when you are nice, it's usually because you're planning something!

Heather: Why would I be planning something? What could I possibly gain from giving you advice? I literally spend zero time worrying about other people's love lives. This is a super rare thing and you're dismissing it as some stupid scheme I have. We're not in a competition anymore, Bridgette.

Bridgette: Ugh, I guess you have a point

Heather: Precisely.

Bridgette: Well this still doesn't help my situation.

Heather: I don't know how to fix a relationship that's been broken from the start. Ask someone else.

Bridgette: Gee, thanks😒

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